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Revision of Trek 3 from Sat, 26/04/2008 - 08:45

Kazozza's picture
01/05/2008 00:36
Bowen Mountain Burralow Firetrail

We are due for a trek! We’ve got a few options to choose from, but please feel free to add more if you can think of them!

Trek Choices

At the moment the choices/areas are:
1. The Woodford Dam Idea – Fuzz
2. The Jenolan Caves Area Idea – Kazashi
3. The Warragamba Dam Area Idea – Shad
4. The Bowen Mountain Burralow Firetrail Idea – Kazozza (more on that soon!)
5. Golden Staircase to Mt Solitary via Ruined Castle – Kazashi(
6. Svalbard – Fuzz

…and maybe one for later – Scenic Railway – Ruined Castle – Mt Solitary – Kedumba River – Wentworth Falls (

Please add ideas, comments, details as they come to you!

May the best Trek Win

Trek Details

1. The Woodford Dam Idea – Fuzz
Two parts to this trek. The dam’s pretty close to the highway so we can get there and have lunch – check out the views etc. The more interesting part of this is the firetrail that goes straight north into the bush for km’s and km’s. That’s the second part of the trek. After lunch head straight north, and set up camp at the end of the firetrail deep into the bush. Due to the length of the firetrail, 4WDing is the only option. Also suggest next time Shad’s up with the 4wd, some of us head out there to check out the terrain and access. I’ve never been up there myself, so don’t know if it’s possible but from all the maps it looks like it is. See pics for details.

2. The Warragamba Dam Area – Shad
Ok my original idea ive scrapped…. its a BIG trek, maybe one we can discuss while ON this trek
basicly it involves going down Tableland Road (its between Bullaburra and Wentworth falls) turn off at Kedumba Valley Road and follow it all the way along, what ive now named “the Knife Edge”, down to the water, there is a number of places we could possibly stay once we are there. :) look it up. its a long way.

No picture, its that big, and that long your viewing it from space to see the start and finish points! :)

the other ideas:

2.a. Gross River
Basicly Trek from Faulconbridge/Springwood down the Gross Road all the way to the Gross River. a long wa but do able and I think we can drive some of it if not all!

The Trek start to finish

The River Walking Track

2.b. The Local Discovery
Basicly explore Glenbrook Creek and the local large water areas. Enter from either Martins Lookout, Greens Road or Florabella Pass entry points. work our way along the water, find a reasonable/secluded spot for a camp. exit from one same points.

Glenbrook Creek with points of Interest/Possible campsites

Happy to discuss further


There will be an unofficial vote to decide the winner. If no winner is picked by April 19, the winner shall be drawn out of a hat over skype.

The trek is tentatively scheduled for sometime in MAY 2008 – this may change due to availability and/or weather.


None as yet! Stay Tuned!


Fuzz's picture

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