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Revision of Where the hell is Svalbard? from Sat, 01/09/2007 - 19:48


Official language: Norwegian (However the native language is SVALBARDIAN)
Capital: Longyearbyen
Governor: Per Sefland Maximoto
Area: 61022 km²
Population: – Total (2004): 2,756
Density: 0.04/km
Currency: Norwegian krone (However the Svalbardian Mark is of higher value to native Svalbardians)
Climate: Arctic, tempered by warm North Atlantic Current; cool summers, cold winters; North Atlantic Current flows along west and north coasts of Spitsbergen, keeping water
open and navigable most of the year – Average Summer temperature: 5°C – Average Winter temperature: −12 °C – The Western coast is considerably warmer than the east due to the North Atlantic Drift.
Terrain: Wild, rugged mountains; much of high land ice covered; west coast clear of ice about one-half of the year; fjords along west and north coasts
Highest Elevation: Newtontopp, 1717 m
Lowest Elevation: Arctic Ocean, 0 m
Resources: Coal, iron ore, copper, zinc, phosphate, wildlife, fish

Svalbard is an archipelago lying in the Arctic Ocean north of mainland Europe, about midway between Norway and the North Pole. It consists of a group of islands ranging from 76° to 81° North, and 10° to 35° East. The archipelago is the northernmost part of the Kingdom of Norway. Three islands are populated: Spitsbergen, Bjørnøya and Hopen. The largest settlement is Longyearbyen. The Svalbard Treaty recognises Norwegian sovereignty over Svalbard. With the 1925 Svalbard Act, Norway chose to make Svalbard a part of the Kingdom, and it remains one of four special entities whose status is recognized by international treaty in the world today.

Svalbard from Google Earth

Europe from Google Earth (Svalbard is at the top)

Svalbardian Ice Eagle:
The Svalbardian Ice Eagle is Svalbards largest living bird of prey and one of the largest eagles in the world. It reaches 0.85-1.05m in length and has a wingspan of 2.3m. Females are larger than males, averaging 4.2kg in weight and occasionally reaching 5.3kg. Males usually weigh about 3.2kg but may reach 4.0kg.
The Svalbardian Ice Eagle has long wings, a characteristic long, wedge-shaped tail, and legs that are feathered all the way to the base of the toes. Eagles can be seen perched on trees or poles or soaring overhead to altitudes of up to 2000m.
The Svalbardian Ice Eagle eat both live prey and carrion. Their diet reflects the available prey, but the most important live items are Polar Bear. Polar Bear usually makes up about 30-70% of the diet, but may be up to 92% depending on availability. Carrion is a major food source. Road kills and other carcasses are readily eaten. Many reports of preying on lambs result from birds scavenging already dead animals. Up to 20 birds may be seen around a carcass, although only two or three feed at a time.
Svalbardian Ice Eagles may hunt singly, in pairs or in larger groups. Working together, a group of eagles can attack and kill animals as large as adult Polar Bear. This explains the scientific name of the Svalbardian Ice Eagle, which means ‘bold eagle’. Under ideal conditions, an eagle can lift about 50% of its body weight. Often, eagles may store food items on a branch near the nest area.

Below are some pictures of Kazashi’s Svalbardian Ice Eagle, “Spears”. Kazashi rasied Spears by hand after we found him as a chick half frozen on a Recon Polar Patrol


Team IPX use the Svalbardian Ice Eagle as their Team Symbol



At least you should write what is right about Svalbard….. Where did you get your information?????
Language: It`s Norwegian. Svalbardian?????? You are crazy!!!
Governor: Ha-ha-ha… an update is in place.
Currency: Svalbard Mark??? Have you ever been here??
I get so sad when people like you write so much wrong things about my home-place.
Best regards,

Fuzz's picture


Team IPX means no disrespect to Svalbard. Quite the opposite actually. (Norway on the other hand…)

You live in Svalbard? That would make you one of 2700 odd right? Amazing.

We would be very appreciative if you told us of your experiences living full time in such a wonderful country. Any extra information you could provide would help us. I hear Svalbard was just named the best place to live in the world (just ahead of Australia). Congrats.


Svalbard Mark?

Yeah sorry, that is out of date. Svalbard Mark got shortened to simply Svalbard. ie it costs 50 Svalbards to order a Polar Bear terminated. Sign up for an account here and you can earn them… Mattatuide bought a pirate hat with his.


Robag's picture


The Norwegian’s have finally figured out how to wage cyber warfare on us
Screw Norway and the Polar bear you rode in on


Fuzz's picture

Polar Bear Ride

Screw Norway and the Polar bear you rode in on – Robag

I nominate this for quote of the year. If there aren’t t-shirts with this on it and the polar bear picture from above made at some stage, it will be a tragedy!

Still waiting on our actual Svalbardian to reply with insider info on what it’s like living under Governor Maximoto’s evil rule….

Id buy it

If IPX made that shirt id buy it. Hell yea

Fuzz's picture

Maximoto overthrown??

Governor: Ha-ha-ha… an update is in place.

Wait a minute… Has Maximoto been overthrown?? Wikipedia still thinks Per Sefland Maximoto’s still in charge, but if he’s gone – it’s time for a SCREW NORWAY party!

Kazashi's picture

A correction is in order.

I admit, he’s right about the Svalbardian Mark not being the correct currency.

Due to the Global Financial Crisis Norway couldn’t be bothered spending enough money on its conquered territories such as Svalbard, and as a result they had to make some cutbacks. One of those was shortening “Svalbardian Marks” to “Svalbards”, allowing the mint to press banknotes and coins at smaller sizes, thus making it harder for the loyal Svalbardians to hold their native currency to use.

The change also reduced the amount of ink used in letters, and the amount of CO2 released to state currency values. Sneaky buggers…..

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