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Revision of Return of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 from Sun, 20/07/2008 - 11:26

chipper's picture

very exciting news! hopefully the mp version will be at least as good as the original!!!!

news article

teaser its a node linky

RTCW 2 Zone for all the latest


HarassmentPanda's picture


Any time line of expectation?

n0mad's picture

Nup, my guess is late

Nup, my guess is late 2009……


Hashy's picture

In High Pitched Voice:


chipper's picture


after experiencing the delays related to etqw i figure its out when its out and that’s it, any dates given don’t seem to mean much now days.

HarassmentPanda's picture

Is this only going to be for the consoles?

I watched the teaser and at the end it said XBox live and PlayStation 3 – no PC?

chipper's picture

definetly pc as well

from what i’ve read it will go like etqw; a pc focus and release of console versions

Fuzz's picture

The futures overrated

Looking forward to getting back to the 1940’s. Icari, hogs and tormentors are fun, but I do miss the world war 2 universe. Give me a stick of dynomite over a HE charge any day.

Hashy's picture


Yeah Fuzz I can agree with ya there.
Im sure the vehicles back in WWII will be better then what we’ve been shafted with in ETQW.. So much for 21st century tech.. ;)

I bet an old M1 would make short work of stroggtroopers too.. Don’t believe me, wanna put a lazy 50 that? ;)

chipper's picture

Thompson SMG

the thompson bodes well for us…. i have missed it since et

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