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Revision of Return of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2 from Sun, 20/07/2008 - 11:26
very exciting news! hopefully the mp version will be at least as good as the original!!!!
teaser its a node linky
RTCW 2 Zone for all the latest
Any time line of expectation?
Nup, my guess is late
Nup, my guess is late 2009……
In High Pitched Voice:
after experiencing the delays related to etqw i figure its out when its out and that’s it, any dates given don’t seem to mean much now days.
Is this only going to be for the consoles?
I watched the teaser and at the end it said XBox live and PlayStation 3 – no PC?
definetly pc as well
from what i’ve read it will go like etqw; a pc focus and release of console versions
The futures overrated
Looking forward to getting back to the 1940’s. Icari, hogs and tormentors are fun, but I do miss the world war 2 universe. Give me a stick of dynomite over a HE charge any day.
Yeah Fuzz I can agree with ya there.
Im sure the vehicles back in WWII will be better then what we’ve been shafted with in ETQW.. So much for 21st century tech.. ;)
I bet an old M1 would make short work of stroggtroopers too.. Don’t believe me, wanna put a lazy 50 that? ;)
Thompson SMG
the thompson bodes well for us…. i have missed it since et
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