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Revision of IPX vs DI - GA Season 2 Match 9 from Sun, 31/08/2008 - 10:09

ltmon's picture
29/08/2008 00:00

Who: DI*
Map: Salvage, Ark, Refinery
Organiser: Ltmon
Captain: HP or Blood
Where: TBA
When: Monday 1/9 at 7:30pm, Tuesday 2/9 at 8pm or Thursday 4/9 at 9pm
Referee Requested: No
Status: We challenged, waiting on their response

Edit: Seems DI were unable to respond to this one, so the match is off.

I’ve submitted a challenge to DI, because the ladder was looking kind of boring and no-one is likely to challenge us at the moment. Will fill in the availability grid etc. when DI gives us their response. The current date on the calendar is their response deadline.


Good luck guys! I can’t do

Good luck guys!
I can’t do any of those times, got a full on week.

Kazozza's picture

I’ll be in Brisvegas for

I’ll be in Brisvegas for the first half of the week, I can possibly do Thursday though

HarassmentPanda's picture

Not sure

Have a lot on work the moment and have been leaving quite late over the last few weeks, getting home in time for prac has been a consistent issue for me and the next few weeks wont be much different. I would love to play this match though, interested to see how we would go up against DI.

Robag's picture

count me in

This will be a great match

n0mad's picture


yaa up the ladder we g0


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