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Revision of AU/NZ Padday from Thu, 15/01/2009 - 21:49

ltmon's picture
18/01/2009 20:00
18/01/2009 22:00

On the Padman forums there’s been talk of an Australian/New Zealand Padday, where every Pad player from the region can get together on the GA servers for some tiny blue frags and German metal music.

No need to put your name down for this one, but I trust some keen IPX players will put in a showing. I’m out during the afternoon myself, but will try get there sometime in the evening.


n0mad's picture

Sunday Padman

mmm Might have t0 tag al0ng…….

Mumble w0rks well with Padman after recent test……

Padman Padman Padman

bit earlier?

getting a bit late for me, seeing as I’m +13.. anyone wanna have a game around now?

btw, my msn is

btw, my msn is so if you want a game give me a yell. :)

Hashy's picture

so like, all 16 AU/NZ padman

so like, all 16 AU/NZ padman players will get a spot on the server? heheh ;p

Hashy, GA spray, now?

Hashy, GA spray, now?

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