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Revision of IPX vs TW - GA Season 4 Match 6 from Tue, 24/02/2009 - 14:16

HarassmentPanda's picture
24/02/2009 20:00
24/02/2009 22:00

Teams: IPX vs TW

Map, Their choice of: Salvage or the two custom maps
Organiser: HP
Captain: Open
Where: TBA
Password: Check your GA email, or look in the IRC channel before the game
Referee Requested: No
Result: TBA

Challenge or be Challenged, I like this spot on the ladder so lets stay here for another week or go higher.


They will be selecting the day, so just put down an indication for the time being, so that we can chase if we need to field a team.

Put down your availability below:

Team IPX Days Comment
HarassmentPanda Can do all ~
Fuzz Tue yes, other 2 no Can’t make Monday prac
n0mad Tue Yes, Wed No, Sat Maybe Hope we get a custom map
Robag all days bar Tuesday Custom map would be good
willow Tue yah gut 4moi, other days 2nd choice any map wud do
chipper tuesday should be good happy to sub
Kraizen Will be there
Ltmon Can be there Happy to sub, not able to make Monday practice
Bloodstorm yea i should be able to make tues
Johnny Maybe Will be quite tired after the flight

Team Roster:

Team IPX Yes/No Comment
HarassmentPanda Yes
Fuzz yes
n0mad Yes
Robag No
willow Yes
chipper Yes
Kraizen Yes
Ltmon Yes
Bloodstorm Yes
Johnny Maybe
CombatChuck ? Are you guys Alive?
DJBBQ ? Are you guys Alive?
Ooz ? Are you guys Alive?
Microman ? Are you guys Alive?


HarassmentPanda's picture

We have 5 atm but missing a few responses

So if you can help us field the team Tuesday let us know.

ltmon's picture


I think Chipper booked a server for tonight (Monday) to try and get a practice in. Can you confirm chip?

chipper's picture


Server address:
Password: normal ones

it may be better to use the IPX one will just have to see how it goes

Fuzz's picture

f*** me, I logged into the

f*** me, I logged into the site and it said this match had been on since midday!! Let’s not forget to update the date / time so it appears properly in the upcoming events.

Fuzz's picture

Match report - GA Season 4 Match 6

Source: Courtesy of a cached copy on
Last night (24th Feb) IPX took on Team Wolverine, again on Comm Link.
The match report is shown below.

Teams IPX: Fuzz, n0mad, Kraizen, Chipper, Robag, HarrassmentPanda and willow_x
tW: Evil, mues, Ayumboy, Mr_Good, The_Griffo & Pinge

Map was Comm Link.

tldr version tW:: 2 – IPX 0

Round 1
tW decided to attack with the idea to try and set a time first.
We attacked down the right side in order to take the dumpster area but IPX were all over the roof and with shields up made that area a killing field.
A couple of quick taps and we had some of the hack completed.
Another attack down the right and this time started to hack.
A couple of deaths and revives and I felt that we were charmed.
A little smoke and the hacker was missed until it was completed.
Quick cap of the spawn point and then on to the hubs.
The call was to attack Hub 2 and explosives went down.
With IPX trying to control that hub for a disarm we took the opportunity to plant the other hub.
Both hubs exploded and about 4 mins gone.

With 4 minutes to defend we knew IPX’ers would be pushing hard.
They had some good chances to finish the hack but time ran out.
It was an indicator though, to what we could expect for the next round.

tW 1 – IPX 0

Round 2.
Well IPX were now attacking and we decided to not give up the hack easily.
IPX positioned themselves well for big pushes and after several minutes they completed the hack.
Hub 1 was taken down almost immediately and we defended at Hub 2.
A few cheeky steals of the spawn and some good defence held off the IPX team until time ran out.
Kraizen got through too many times for it to be an accident so we left the old boy to just keep an eye on the hub.
The others went out to split up the pushes from IPX as best they could.
IPX were held for the full 20 mins at the last hub.

This is where n0mad had to leave and Panda came into the game.
tW attacked and used a very similar approach to rnd 1.
We took out the Plasma Launcher in the window early and drove in to hack.
A few taps but nothing to write home about.
The second push was different though.
A bit of smoke again and the players seemed to forget that I was hacking.
I did get revived a couple of times and maybe the smoke confused them but it worked and the hack was completed.
Again the spawn was taken and we went for the hubs.
The first hub was planted and immediately the second hub was armed as well.
The 2 plants were defended until they blew.

tW 2 – IPX 0

Thanks to IPX for the challenge and the match.
As always we enjoy experiencing their spirited attacks and determined defences whenever they play.
As always great respect for a great bunch of players.

We were fortunate that we could slot in a few oldies to cover the late arrival of Greazy and the missing Moridin, Hitman and Ringer.
Well done to the tW:: old farts and the young pups that helped out.

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