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Revision of Site outage from Sun, 01/03/2009 - 17:18

Fuzz's picture

Hi all,

There was a slight issue with an attempt to update the test site today which resulted in the live site’s database being overwritten. I’ve reverted the live site to last nights backup. This means any content from about 4am today has been lost. Other than that, everything should be back to normal.

If anything’s not working, please raise an issue

(not how I planned to spend my Sunday, but what can you do)


n0mad's picture

ThanX Fuzz

ThanX f0r the heads up Fuzz, d0 I get my Svals f0r my missing posts as well ?

Getting cl0se Shad…….


Fuzz's picture

Yep already put them back as

Yep already put them back as part of the revert.

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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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