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Revision of IPX vs FOX - GA Season 4 Match 8 from Mon, 09/03/2009 - 21:25

13/03/2009 21:30
14/03/2009 00:00

Teams: IPX vs FOX

Map: Area22
Organiser: Bloodstorm
Captain: Willow ((Why? Cause I say so ;) Kraizen)
When: Friday, 13 March 2009 @ 10:30pm
Referee Requested: No
Result: TBA

We’ve been challenged by FOX. Lets see some good commitment. Need a decision by tuesday 7:30 am

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO (anything else will be interpreted as NO).
If I’ve missed your name below, add it.


Team IPX Map 10:30pm (13 March) 09:30pm (14 March) 08:30pm (15 March) Comment
Bloodstorm None No No No Moving house prob wont have net back till 17thish
DJBBQ whatever No No No Might be available, but can’t say for sure at this time
Harassment Panda None Yes no Yes Doesn’t look like a good week so far
Kraizen Area 22 Yes Yes Yes All good. *Pulls out pom poms and cheers willow!
Ltmon Salvage Yes Yes Yes Sub if possible, but probably can be around if required.
Robag Area 22 Yes Yes Yes Happy 2 be the super sub
Willow Area 22 unsure unsure unsure im in the process of moving, but will be settled in by 12th, my only prob is inet conxn at my new place. i dont have wireless on my computer to work off the router there so will have to disconect other computer and hook up the willow’s computer to play :). so 13/14th/15th are possible available times as long as i dont mess the conxns up
Hashy - - - - -
Microman171 Not Too Worried Yes, but only if REALLY needed. Yes No 10:30 is 12:30 for me!
Sha8doW None No No No Unavail at the 10:30 time frame and the other 2 days due to family issues
Fuzz None No No No Out for most of next weekend. Won’t be able to make any of the games unfortunately. GL with the move
Chipper - no no no sorry guys i’m out for the next few weeks. will try and get to prac
Johnny Salvage Yes Yes Yes Time to make up for last week. =]
n0mad Sewer Yes n0 n0 Friday the 13th Battle – I’ll wear Black


Fuzz's picture


BTW if you want to discuss strats, feel free to do so here. Just do what Willow did and click the “Access Control” tab and set the permissions accordingly (default challenge permissions are everyone can see and comment)

willow's picture


As for Captain ive no idea what they are suppose to do??

So if someone could give me an idea what is expected of a Captain then i will be grateful.

tbh im still a newbie when it comes to clan comp of any game.

saying that i wouldnt mind having the privilege to be so for the game against *Fox.

n0mad's picture

13th Match Day ?

Blood looks like Friday the 13th battle it is, Hashy & Shad U guys up ?

Willow don’t stress just means U can scream at us all and well all have 2 take it as Ur’e Captain..
When Blood locks in a day and Map just study the map and advise where U would like us all……….
n0thing maj0r…..

Let’s g0 f0x hunting

Cap duties

All ya gotta do Willow is tell em all where to go and guide the team through the game. And if we loose you get sent to norway! :p

Will lock in map and time tonight around 9-10ish(ur time). Hope to hear from shad, hashy, and BBQ by then


Don’t worry Capt Willow, I’ll always follow the captain’s instructions. =]

-*goes off and ninja objectives*

Its gonna be

Friday the 13th
and map wil be Area 22

Its all urs from here willow. Get ya bossy boots and ya whip out and get that team ready :p


Sorry guys, I can’t play tonight. =[
My computer died this morning and I brought it to the shop to get it fixed.
They say it’ll take a week or so. I am so disappointed. D:<

willow's picture


Am sorry to hear that Johhny. NOT, more objectives for me then!! :p

Anyway on a serious note hope you will be able to make it back soon. Was looking forward playing beside you in tonights game.

I was just in the process of posting confirmation that ive got my computer in order for tonight when i realised you would not make it.

Well, hope your computer comes out of hospital soon.

n0mad's picture

Week Down ?

Week Gezzzzz…

d0n’t start me making y0u take IPX c0mputer Night classes run by the bl0ndes…… hehehhehehe

s0 Johnny let me guess motherboard replacement ?

Blood – ya may have 2 call for Microman171 to sub in……………..


willow's picture

Sub for Johnny

If its possible would like to see Ltmon as sub. Microman ealier in the week highlighted that it was quite late for him.

ltmon's picture

I should be around

I’ll try to be available (although it’s past my bedtime too ;)

n0mad's picture

dem0's dem0's

Look forward to seeing ya demo’s Kraizen………

Great game guys really held our 0wn t0wards the end…………..

Robag's picture


Mine is uploaded


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