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Revision of Practice Tuesday from Mon, 16/03/2009 - 18:06

I’ve invited Ool for a practice match on tuesday at 8:00 PM melbourne time, let the lobster cooking commence!


On a second note, I have it on the best of authorities that if still possible we will be challenged by Ool, and we can hopefully set a date for sunday for a great scrim.

*fingers crossed


n0mad's picture


g00d t0 s0me0ne getting sum c0mpiti0n int0 0ur Tuesday night Prac

We may not get a chance f0r 0ne last match this season but if we d0 I say we should play ADA…..

I have my reas0ns heheheheee


HarassmentPanda's picture

Did I forget or did we miss

Our chance to play MAD?

Robag's picture

love your work Kraizen

oww i like sea food

an OOL would look nice on the menu

a light butter and garlic sauce with white wine

omg now i am hungry,

time to kill


willow's picture


Im not much of a seafood person but if i was a Strogg and had an opportunity to have some lobster i would do the following:

Step 1: Cut the lobsters up with my spikes

Step 2: Use a cyclops to flatten the meat

Step 3: Inject some stroyent in for seasoning

Step 4: Roast it over stroybombs

Step 5: Serve it with a hog


Prac this week

Chances are i wont make the prac this week as i still have no net at home. Gives me more incentive to actually go to work lol!

ltmon's picture

Sounds like fun, but...

I’ve got to rearrange my house tonight in preparation for some demolition/rebuilding that starts tomorrow. I may not have enough time to get online.

ltmon's picture

And..... not

Builder just called. Project delayed for a week (once more).

I’m getting somewhat shitty with this building thing (I originally wanted it finished before Summer ffs).

On the plus side I should be free to make it tonight.

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