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Revision of ETQW Season 4 Final Tonight from Mon, 06/04/2009 - 20:22

n0mad's picture

Game Arena Write Up
Tonight: Monday 06/04/09 at 8:00pm

Skullz vs Wood Ducks

Skullz have chosen Refinery.
Wood Ducks have chosen Area 22.
The decider will be Salvage.

Tv Server Here:
or just click on ETQW TV server and it should B the top 1 listed

Default demo camera speed is 200. You can use the console with pm_democamspeed XXX where XXX is your preference.
As a guide 600 is excellent for large maps with action all over the place.
333 is better and allows you to free cam comfortably above the players.

w0uld like to welcome all IPX onto our mumble server to discuss the action as viewed through the ETQW TV server…….

Cya’s in Mumble t0night……



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