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Revision of Folding update - May 2009 from Mon, 04/05/2009 - 08:53

Fuzz's picture

Last time we checked in on the Team IPX Folding@Home project we had just broken into the top 10,000 teams worldwide.

Since then we have slowly been climbing the rankings and as of today are ranked 6557 – and that’s just with Hashy, Robag and myself.

We’d love it if we could get some more contributors and push that ranking up even higher. Remember, you don’t need high powered hardware to contribute, any old piece of junk can fold during periods of inactivity. And it’s easy to set up a folding task to run when your PC has been inactive for 10 or 15 mins, and stop when you come back to your PC.

How to get involved: here

Thanks for the contributions of those involved.



Hashy's picture


teamipx folding@home page

Greatly appreciated everybody who can contribute to the project & the team, help us into the top 5000 teams in the world, and we can breed genetically mutated anti matter shooting Ice Eagles with 100kilometre wingspans.. sorry just watched Rodan.. ;p

All I want is a flying cat

All I want is a flying cat :(

(That I can ride)

I’ll set up my new pc to do it when i get my new mobo

Microman's picture


It wasn’t working for me on my old ubuntu… I wanted the packages to be less than 10meg, and it spent an hour running without finding any… I also wanted to tie it into the screen saver, that way it starts when I leave, and stops when I return.

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