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Revision of ETQW State of Origin: Victoria vs Western Australian from Sun, 01/08/2010 - 10:53

n0mad's picture
11/05/2009 21:00
Challenge Details

Teams: VIC vs WA
GA Forum Link

Game: ETQW
Match Type: ETQW State of Origin
Map: Salvage + Sewer unless we just want to play a single map.
Where: SW Server is set up for Salvage/Sewer/Area22.
When: Monday 11/05/2009 at 9:00pm
Password: Ask n0mad in IRC or in ETQW
Result: 0-2

This match is for Victorian and Western Australians only…….
Please put down your availability below so we know who is playing and who within IPX will B there.
There is talk of a ETQW TV Server so hopefully others can watch.


Team IPX 09:00pm (Monday 11th May) Comment
n0mad Yes g0 IPX wait…… g0 Vic
Ltmon ~ ~
Kraizen ~ ~
Robag Yes Robag Hedging his bets lol

Western Australians

Team IPX 09:00pm (Monday 11th May) Comment
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~


willow's picture


Ahem…did you know that 10 of the 13 starting lineup for Australia vs NZ test tonight is made up of Queenslanders! Don’t see any1 from Vic or WA there ;p The whole backline is Qlders…. NSW don’t stand a chance in this years State of Origin just like the past three years! lol

Fuzz's picture


Hate to agree with a QLDer but you’re right. The backline especially kills NSW. But I can’t stand idly by and not back my home state, so even though I think NSW will lose, I’ll bet 150 Svalbards on them with you Willow. Bet that NSW will win the series. (Not sure how many Svals you got, but get ready to go into negative hehe – QLD’s goin down!)

PS. This is the beginning of me pissing away all 3500+ of my Svalbards. Note down the day, I’ll have them lost in no time.

willow's picture

Raise the stakes

You must be really aware how much I treasure earning and retaining Svalbards whereby I wouldn’t dare wager them if I didn’t think I had a realistic chance of getting a handsome return on them. My short term ambition as an IPXer is to reach the 500 Svalbards threshold before Kraizen. After much deliberation and thought I’m confident that Queensland will retain the State of Origin trophy for the fourth time in a row.

At present I have over 200 Svalbards. I would however like to raise the stakes placing my 200 Svalbards against your 200.

If you agree, then may I suggest a neutral IPXer look over this agreement and mind the 400 Svalbards from now till the outcome of the State of Origin.

Fuzz's picture

Done and done

I remain unconfident, but stand by my foolhardy wager, and accept the stake raising. :)

Who wants to hold the Svalbards until then?

Should we make it first to reply gets to hold them? Also I suggest the intermediary earns 50 Svalbards for the work (paid by the bank, not us).

I’m in a betting mood now. Anyone want to bet on the outcome of the NBA Finals? I got some Svalbards behind Cleveland. If there’s enough interest we can start up a betting thread.

willow's picture


First reply gets to hold them.

pick meeeeeeeeee

as a new member i will look after all 400 svalbards for you.

Fuzz's picture


It’s settled. Sending you your 400 svalbards now (200 from me, 200 from Willow), + 50 for your trouble.

Ahh fudge

User Kraizen earned 2 svalbards! Total now is 237 points

willow's picture

Beeep beep!

Kraizen watch me zoooooom past you after the State of Origin like how Road Runner does to Wile E. Coyote!! Beeeep beeep!!


meeep meep :)


i will look after the svalbards like they were my own
mmmmmmmmmm svalbards


hands kraizan a large rocket, a belt and some roller skates
maniacal laughter whahah whaahaha whahah


my svalbard spidy sense is tingling.

Fuzz ill look after all of your svalbards.

n0mad's picture

WA 2-0

Great Lineup for WA
Shame we didn’t really have the numbers tonight 4 Vic but still great 2 C Robag
get into another State of Origin Battle….

GG….. To all wh0 played…….


Robag's picture

thank you all

another great S0O ETQW match

can’t wait for the write up

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