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Revision of Hashys 2009+Beyond IPX Projects from Sun, 07/06/2009 - 10:33

Hashy's picture

Well with the new year already well underway, ive decided to reveal here some of my project ideas involving/relating to Team IPX.

IPX Coins: Coins coins coins.. I like coins, and now, YOU BETTER START TO LIKE EM TOO!! ;P


IPX Case Badges: Yup! That says it all!


Hashys IPX Orbiter Space Flight Simulator Projects –


Padhockey – A Hockey Mod for World of Padman!

That’s really all I can think of right now.
What do you guys think? All questions and comments are very welcome! Any and ALL help with these projects in the near future would be very much appreciated and needed. Ideas, lay em down for us all to mull over! =D

2009 should be an exciting year for Team IPX. Lets get some projects done this year and help continue to expand IPX!