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Revision of IPX vs MaD - GA Season 5 Match 6 from Wed, 24/06/2009 - 15:54
27/06/2009 19:30
27/06/2009 22:30
Cap : Robag
1st Lt: Rayne
Referee Requested: No
GameCreate Booking Details
Booking description: Team IPX vs MaD
Booked Date and Time Saturday, 27 June 2009 @ 07:30pm
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Game: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Unranked
Server address:
Max players: 14
Map Selection island
RCON password: lcllpj
Join Password: bxvwnf
OMG no rest for team IPX some one at MaD has gone MaD, the little hamspter at the GA Challange wheel must be tied :)
please remember to keep all Comms in this challenge page
Table Below
Team IPX | Map Preference | Availability (Yes/No) | Sat 7:30pm | Comment | |||
Robag | Island | Y | Y | Let’s take MaD to the IPX Madhouse b0000mmm baby :) | |||
n0mad | Island | Yes | Yes | Lets r0ck | |||
Microman171 | Island | Yes | Yes | Friday and Saturday FTW! | |||
mattatuide | island | Y | Y | Dam we pon no pew maD | |||
Kraizen | Any | Y | Y | Damn nicotine withdrawals | |||
Somtin | Any | Y | Y | Sat 9:30 is perfect for me. Friday would work, but then I’d be playing over midnight.. | |||
Rayne | Island | Yes | Yes | The mAdness is directed at IPX this week | |||
Willow | n/a | Nein | Nein | sob |
cant edit
noooooooooooooo how are you goting to know if i can play or not waaaaaaahaaaaaaaa!!!!
try now i think i fixed it
n0mad Hand Up
I h0pe this is us challenging ADA or is this a Typ0 :P
Maybe Robag has g0ne MaD ?
copy paste fail
Just feel like
a Friday night game……..
Oh and I’m still reviewing Padman Maps for Friday night play…..
Beer & a sh0w
That’s a beer and dinner ya n0w 0we me Robag….
Care to wager it ?
d0n’t make me explain it 2 U Mattatuide….
Try again……
Did Willow just call us son’s of bitches?? hehe
…my SYMPATHY amd CONDOLENCES for NSW losing tonight in origin!! NOT… i smell svalbards coming my way!!
Sons of bitches!
hehe that fired ya up! keep it down Billy Moore. My svalbards!
if i don't reply to the post
i won’t owe N0mad dinner beer’s and blonds
oh dear
i think i just did
oopppsssssss :)
Vehicle Rule
In Island there is what we call the Garage near the sec0und 0bjective.
Well MaD have been practicing parking a Vehicle in there and sh00ting and running U 0ver as U approach the 0bjective.
I have sp0ken t0 Luckless wh0 asked “What is y0ur interpretati0n of the vehicle rule” and I think we sh0uld all agree t0 n0mad’s understanding 0f the rule:
“If it has a r00f U cann0t park 0r drive under it”
Yes 0nce the sec0und 0bjective is bl0wn Vehicles spawn in the Garage but hey I kn0w MaD will park a Strogg vehicle in there and try and 0wn us….
s0 if asked what is y0ur understanding 0f the vehicle rule answer with
“If it has a r00f U cann0t park 0r drive under it”
totaly agree with that
GUID added to roster?
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