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Revision of WOLFENSTEIN from Thu, 02/07/2009 - 19:00

HarassmentPanda's picture

The time has come, the pre-order’s begun and JB Hi-Fi Online has welcomed the run with a competition as big as this pun; prizes not totaling the sun and instead just a PC customised – to look like a big green box.


i'll wait till it goes golden :)

p.s. hurro ! :)

Bit too hot for me

Coolermaster V8 CPU COOKER ?

HarassmentPanda's picture

I thought you would like it

With a name like that it’s a BBQ in a box.

Hopefully Wolfs pub wont fail

Hopefully Wolfs pub wont fail as hard as qw and you actualy have to have skill to get kills


chipper's picture

should be good

haven’t heard much about the multiplayer side of things yet. fingers crossed they don’t botch it!

What were they smoking?

Also check out the line before that. The CPU is “Overcolocked 70 3.6Ghz” I can understand having the extra ‘o’ in overclocked, but putting a ‘7’ for a ‘t’…that’s like…putting a ‘0’ for an ‘o’ l00ks @ n0mad

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