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Revision of IPX vs HV - GA Season 5 Match 7 from Sat, 18/07/2009 - 00:37

Robag's picture
17/07/2009 21:00
17/07/2009 23:30

OK You know the drill people
all comms kept in this page
thank you all epic game
the result is:

A Result Has Been Entered
A result has been entered on the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Ladder:
Match Time: Friday 09:00pm (17 July)
THE CHALLENGER: High Voltage scored 1
THE DEFENDER: Team IPX scored 1

Robag looks at the new guys 0-0

no forfeit “raaaarrrrwwwrrrwwwwwwww”

le Cap: Rayne
1st Lt : Kraizen

Start Time:
Friday 09:00pm (17 July)

Valley (could be interesting with the MCP movement restriction gone)

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO


Team IPX Map Chosen Availability (Yes/No) Friday 09:00pm Comment
Robag Area22 Y Y Cheese on toast. RAWR im Robag and i smell funny :P
Kraizen Valley Y Y Cream Cheese on toast. And pizza. mmmmmm pizza.
Willow n/a No N May the force be with you, always
Microman171 Valley Y Y Mmmm, Cake.
mattatuide any Y Y should be out on monday
Rayne Valley Y Y Comment
Ltmon map N N Sorry, not able to play for this one
Somtin Valley N N 11pm is a bit late.. isn’t there supposed to be more then one choice for date/time?
N0mad map Y Y Why n0t
nestern any yes yes so far its a yes but if sumthing comes up ill let some1 know.



Microman's picture


What’s this about the MCP?

fun and games ;)

The MCP hasnt been restricted to the road on Valley for quite a while now, I can even remember when we used the tactic successfully against ADA (except for the first stage where somebody took the tunnel but it ended up being good cause it increased the effectiveness of the next attempt)

“Mmm Cheesecake :)”


Was wondering if we could pick the Captain for this match early and stick with that choice, no changes 2 minutes before the match.



Robag's picture

friday is looking good

just one more yes

somtin, nestern, bloood, shad


Robag's picture

access control on page has been changed

GameCreate Booking Details

Booking description: Team IPX vs High Voltage
Booked Date and Time Friday, 17 July 2009 @ 09:00pm
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
Game: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Unranked
Server address:
Max players: 14
RCON password: ranchs
Join Password: qjcpqg


ltmon's picture

I'll try to be there

I can’t promise anything, which is why I answered a big “N”, but I’ll see if I can be around on Friday to fill out the missing spot.

Capped :(

I am capped until 21st I can try to play but may dc or not i don’t know


Robag's picture

hmmmm it is a bigpond server :)

it should be uncapped content


I'll be there

But expect some connection problems
Oh and I have new headset now :D so maybe the mic will work lol
and no i will not sing prematch anthem on headset microphone :o


I’m not sure if it works for

I’m not sure if it works for custom bookings… worth checking out

Robag's picture

ask a question

checked through

Only way to tell for sure is to see if we can connect to a custom booked server through COGS imho.

I’ll book a short test server to check it out.

edit: didnt book a server, but theoretically, COGS can book servers and launch into them using the GA network. Good luck.

(COGS is the Arena application that GA uses)

n0mad's picture

n0mad makes 6

Hey All………

l00king f0rward t0 Friday’s match…………….



hope you dont get into to much shit for it n0mad………………………………..

n0mad's picture

Vacum & Dishes

H0use ch0rs 4 a week is w0rth it……………………….



scrim or prac

before match?
maybe gZ or .:tw:.

n0mad's picture

Prac bef0re

Prac bef0re w0uld be great but I w0n’t B 0n until ar0und 8:00pm


Microman's picture

Sub out after while for me.

I usually look at the day, not the time. The game will be 11pm – 1:30am.

I’m real tired lately (with work and all), so I can’t promise to be on the whole game.

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