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Revision of Folding@Home update upDATE UPDATE! from Wed, 15/07/2009 - 18:51

Okay so i’ve been bored recently and have realised I can’t spend ALL my time on the computer so I decided to come up with a dastardly plan to help IPX take over the world.

It’s pretty hush hush, but it includes cats with wings that can talk. Yes my friends, IPX has branched into the folding warfare department.

Now down to business…

While watching Fuzz, Robag and Hashy’s F@H score creep ever higer, I came to a realisation. Something sneaky was going on. How where they getting more points per day than me when I had such a beastly machine… I cried into my teacup, and then realised that running just the one folding at home application isnt that effective.

Hence I came up with this beast!

Discuss :)

(you will probably need to load the full sized image on flickr)


Robag's picture


well on the upside your PC is now a room heater lol

Fuzz's picture

Folding Client Update

Nice work Kraizen.

Everyone else note the last Folding client expired on July 4. You’ll need to update to the newest client to continue folding. Just noticed my scheduled task hasnt been running in a week.

Also, nice tip on the multiple clients. I haven’t been doing that.

Also if you want to maximise your points, and have a decent graphics card, run the GPU client at the same time. Generates lots of WU’s.


GPU Client

you just need to be careful, I can’t run it with my GTX280 because it instant max’s the temp on the voltage regulators. I’ve gotten 120 degrees 0.o

time to invest in that aftermarket cooler lol.

p.s. to create multiple clients, copy paste the F@H directory and run the next exe. then you just need to set up name and team id and all that. plus, for each client on your system, increase the variable “machine id” by one.

I was confused about that because even after I changed the value the clients were still working on the same protein, but then i realised that they were working on different clone and editions of the protein (for them its like a massive jigsaw puzzle they assign every CLIENT a seperate job but you are supposed to set the machine ID’s properly. If you run it on multiple machines you won’t have a problem, its only for multiple instances on the one machine.

just because i didnt say earlier and if anyone is confused, there are 4 F@H vm’s running and 4 windows uniprocessor clients with some priority tweaks. Pretty much maxxed out now lol (8 logical cores zomg)

I havent tried the SMP program yet but my system is only 32 bit so probably wouldnt benifit.

Getting some great temperatures so I might leave it running for a few days to burn in.
edit: Robag, you might be interested to know that my CPU temp peaked at a high level (88 degrees). This was running in absolute performance mode (+3% CPU +1 BCLK Multi). I turned down the voltage to the CPU just a little bit and left it at the base clock. Now about 60 degrees full load.

God these i7’s are tricky.

Fuzz's picture


Weird about the temp on your GTX280. Mine (EVGA GTX 280 OC) goes to it’s high range (same as when I’m gaming in a reasonably new game) but that’s mid 80’s. High 80’s at its absolute hottest. And that’s with stock cooling. What brand you using?

You’ll be passing us all in no time with those i7’s!

Asus GTX280 OC Top

Asus GTX280 OC Top edition
65nm, 240 pixel shaders, 1024 MB DDR3, 512 bit bus, GPU Clock 625Mhz Memory 1140Mhz(x2) Shaders 1350Mhz.
156GB/s Bandwidth

The core itself hovers at around 88 at full load, but its the VDCC’s that are the worry. The stock cooling has trouble with them. I understand it has something to do with lack of heatspreader contact on the regulators.

If you don’t have GPU-Z grab it from and have a quick look in the sensor section.

From my understanding the VDCC’s are voltage regulators, and my card sucks a LOT of juice as I have no CPU bottlenecking problems with rendering.

This is only evident in a GPU only application such as F@H, I have really fast throughput for that. Games however don’t really tax it.

Overall, fully satisfied with my current system, brilliant performance at just about everything. That triple channel ram is a bonus as it is pretty much synced with my video card’s DDR3. The biggest problem i’ve had so far is with having technology that is too new. Teething problems etc. And heat. OMG there is a lot of heat to contend with.

i7 topology FTW

But yeah, if you are having the same VDCC temps I’d like to know how long you’ve been torture testing your gpu ;) hehe

End Rig

Pretty much happy with it set up like this, I can disable the window’s cores to play games. Playtested with L4D, ETQW and DOW:Soul Storm.

For ladder matches i’ll disable all F@H and re-enable performance mode. Shazam ;)
(for the full size so you can actually read it 0.o)

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