What Night Of The Week Is Your Most Preferred for Team IPX Gaming Practice Sessions?

admin's picture
0% (0 votes)
83% (10 votes)
17% (2 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 12


admin's picture

Responses Required!

Poll open for 1 week, at the close of the week the most preferred night will become the NEW Night for Team IPX Gaming Practice Sessions

Poll open to those who are registered int he TeamIPX Gaming roster, Alienware Comp and those who would like to attend prac sessions on a regular basis to assist the Gaming team (ie, provide target practice?)

If you wish to provide a 2nd Preference or nominate that you are available on any night, feel free, we will attempt to take this into account!

If you dont vote, you dont get to influence the decision.

Why isn’t there a vote for

Why isn’t there a vote for all days. I have no life and im around all days

Tripsicle98's picture

well by posting that comment you have pretty much told us

that your around all the time :D

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