Due t0 l0w numbers sh0uld we call f0r recruitment on the GA ETQW Forum

n0mad's picture
70% (7 votes)
30% (3 votes)
Total votes: 10


n0mad's picture

Lets Do IT I say

And the key w0uld be 0ur w0rding 0n the recruitment p0st, (n0mad l00ks at f0unders)

chipper's picture

i'm bad and said no..

– anyone can submit an app any time anyway
– we are already listed as recruiting on the ladder
– the people who contribute most to the ipx community are those tapped on the shoulder by existing members (apologies if i omitted anyone in this blanket statement). would encourage this recruitment method
– we are not a serious gaming clan and would probably be best if people didn’t join ipx with this in mind

having said the above ltmon’s suggestion on the other thread about s4 has merits imo

Fuzz's picture

Pub recruiting

replied in the other thread

Fuzz's picture


Also, my reasons for voting no were the same as Chips plus: – GA forum can be a good and a bad place. Some sensible people, some trolls. Unfortunately trolls seem to kill anything good out of most threads. I think posting it is only likely to bring further bad publicity to us from the normal trolls plus the guys who’ve been raged on by certain members, and it will likely just turn into a mud fight thread between them. Nothing good will come of that, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we lost members from it.

Fuzz's picture

I'm just having a conversation with myself now :)

Having said that, due to the current majority of votes being yes, as well as the intent of the post being 100% positive, and it obviously being a very important issue – I’ve put it to a founders vote. If the decision is yes, it will be posted tomorrow morning.

Also anyone who hasn’t voted in this poll, or wants to change their vote, you’ve got until tonight (the result of the poll has a partial bearing on whether the founders will push this through).

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