3 Stars - IPX vs Gz - GA Season 4 Match 7

50% (3 votes)
17% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
17% (1 vote)
17% (1 vote)
Total votes: 6


n0mad's picture


Great Game, shame Speclock fails again, Ltmon had me locked in but when we started it kicked me t0 the land 0f
black screen but mini Map was working :P

g00d 2 C Kraizen leading the tr00ps and great 2 C DJBBQ put d0wn L4D f0r a match, even if a bit ETQW Rusty….


Hashy's picture

Bad Luck

yeah bad luck fellas, more fortune for next time =)

yes just read fortune cookie

fortune cookie say “djbbq may be rusty but cooks a good feast” ;)
nah lol, good work. it isnt easy to be in anyones shoes in a scrim, for that i applaud you all.

Me voterz for r0bag for his grenade launcher hax.

Oh. By the way. I did say I would shoot anyone that voted for me. /:)

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