With the release of our ETQW Map Pack V2.1 we should choose a new map to play each Tuesday - Your choice for Tuesday 31.03.09 ?

n0mad's picture
Map 01 – AFTER THE WAR 3 – N I G H T R A I D
33% (2 votes)
Map 02 – Free Spirit City (Beta 3.0)
0% (0 votes)
Map 03 – Arctic Assalt (Alpha 2)
0% (0 votes)
Map 04 – Meltdown (Beta 2)
0% (0 votes)
Map 05 – Comm Link (Beta)
0% (0 votes)
Map 06 – Radar (Beta 2)
17% (1 vote)
Map 07 - Maridia (Beta 3)
50% (3 votes)
Total votes: 6


HarassmentPanda's picture

Thats a bad Panda

So I was a little too optimistic in how long it would take to Download the map pack, for some reason I was expecting 2 minuets for the download and another 2 for setup; When I left this morning it had another hour to go for the download, so unfortunately we won’t have the new maps tonight ;-( Bad Panda – I also won’t be attending prac tonight, which is why I can’t fix it up latter, as my car is in need of additional K’s.


n0mad's picture

Sad Panda

Thanx for the heads up Panda, U d0n’t want t0 kn0w h0w l0ng it t00k me t0 d0wnl0ad the 0rig0nal files :P

We can 0nly h0pe next week then ?

At this stage it l00ks like Map 07 – Maridia (Beta 3) will be played unless sum late v0tes come in….
If U haven’t v0ted get ya v0tes in………


HarassmentPanda's picture

Next week should be a goer

On a shiny new Robag sponsored IPX server no less

Robag's picture

hee hee

always happy to help HP
oww and btw i install the padman server on it to

anyone for spry your colors

padman padman padman

ta Robag

HarassmentPanda's picture

About that..

I had some problems, your admin skills are way more hardcore than mine. I need x ;) And I didn’t know how to install it ;)

So long story short – it’s almost there…

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