should we have MJ in our clan tag to honour Michael Jackson?

18% (2 votes)
82% (9 votes)
Who is michael Jackson?
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 11


Robag's picture


for a short time
if that is ok with everyone else


Microman's picture

Let him die

We all know we gotta let go. I personally don’t think we should, but if the poll comes out yes, then I’m happy to do so.

I feel as though we should let him go. His memory will live on in his music and his dancing (moonwalk, yeah he invented that!)


yeah, i wasnt really thinking long term, just for a little bit.

Hashy's picture


To clarify and make things abit easier and more simple to understand.

There should be no problem with you putting that before or after “your nickname” ingame as “your own” personal tribute. Not as something to do with your team tag. The Team IPX tag should be where it is ment to be, at the trailing edge of your name.

Eg. HashyMJ – IPX , MJHashy – IPX , Hashy-MJ – IPX

I see no problem with this as a short term thing. If any founders or members of the board of schnoz have an issue with this, raise that sooner rather then never, otherwise, go ahead and pay your tributes.

willow's picture


MJ lived a life full of controversy… but regardless of that, his music had an impact of the whole industry which i continue to appreciate…. ive enjoyed his music and it was prominent whilst growing up in the 80s and early 90s for me.. ive never been quick to judge anybodys character and i would not do so of him regardless of accusations brought against him or the numerous surgeries he has had…as far as ive come to regard him… he was a person brought up too quickly forced to living in the limelight, even though shy, who missed a childhood.

i think personal tributes are alright, but for a short while, but thats for BoD to decide.


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