silentshadow's blog

silentshadow's health

Well recently i have been having some problem with my health, mainly joints, my shoulder, my knees, and hips. So i went to the uni hospital (cheaper to go there and is better than a actuall hospital) and i found out that i have rheumatoid arthritis, rotating hips problem when walking and leg length discrepancy.

smokin' guns

few pretty epic games of bank robbery, no one actually robbed the bank but rather just killed every on on the other team to win.special thanks to robag for making this possible with his server.

hope we can have another round and see who is the top SG player of the year.

moved due to mess up

smokin guns has been moved to next friday rather then tonight, sorry for the mess up.

smokin' guns

the version is going to be 1.0 rather than the beta because i have found that there isnt that much of a difference between the two and there to much effort to get the beta up and ready.

silent gets suspended again

apparently i was insulting my teachers “intelligence” this time, early holidays for me again.

smokin' guns

i think we should have a smokin’ guns tournament (so i can get a polo hint hint :p). just a little fun like pad man.


Woot woot woot woot woot woot woot woot. Sorry just had to.

funny sh*t

pretty epic stuff, love the robot.

i am to lazy to embed

stalking bloods fb

just stalking his fb and i cam across this ^^^^ i thought it was funny


is the ipx server up? because i cant log in. been like this for a while for me

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