silentshadow's health
Well recently i have been having some problem with my health, mainly joints, my shoulder, my knees, and hips. So i went to the uni hospital (cheaper to go there and is better than a actuall hospital) and i found out that i have rheumatoid arthritis, rotating hips problem when walking and leg length discrepancy.
I have similar issuses
Sucks when you find out at a young age that your bodies already fucked!
My hands are mostly affected! I cant swing a hammer with being in agony!
There is good treatments out there but I suggest you spend some REAL money now and go see a specialist
It’s manageable, but it sucks, I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy!
Wish u the best
Bugger that silent.
Ive been thinking recently ab0ut the l0ng term health effects my years 0f gaming and c0mputer use is g0ing t0 instill 0n me. I’m already n0ticing that im l0sing s0me finer c0ntr0l. I just d0nt sit right, and I d0nt type right, and I d0nt d0 stretches every 10-15minutes like y0u sh0uld 0r whatever the interval is.
Ive g0t shall0w gr0ves in my knees, which makes it very easy t0 disl0cate everything bel0w the knee. Ive d0ne this ab0ut a d0zen times n0w 0ver the past 10 years, and as recently as the 0ther night, simply turning in bed.
It’s n0t s0mething that we expect t0 have t0 think 0r w0rry ab0ut at 0ur ages, but I think it is g0ing t0 bec0me al0t m0re c0mm0n as the c0mputer generati0n gets 0lder. But hey, im n0t c0mplaining, we were warned.
Erg0n0mics deserve a sec0nd l00king at. It’s n0 lie.
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