
so i was listening to the radio last night and a person that was born a girl and was in the process of becomeing a boy was talking witch lead me to a question……………. so if a girl is in the process of becouming a girl at what point is it ok for them to walk around with no shirt on???


opps i meant becoming a boy

opps i meant becoming a boy

n0mad's picture


Um Maybe r0dney kn0ws the answer ?

knew I c0uld p0st this t0 a c0mment 1 day….


that sir is AWESOME

and to crazy i dont have a problem with any one not wearing a shirt i mean men do it all the time so why cant women its all the same anatomy.

Sha8doW's picture


kippa… you dont have a problem with MAN BOOBS o.O
although in this case, i suppose they would be acceptable

i’d assume they are “being removed” in the process… ( such a waste, as a “guy” which this person obviously want to be surely they want to keep them to “play with” later, attached or not!

I sure as heck know if the pair I had access to were removed from the “brain” everyone would be happy!
/me looks at my wife….
“what you doing dear”
“oh nothing”
/me reaches towards the boob
“dont touch me!”
yep… thats about right

Hashy's picture


p0st breast reduti0n surgery.

Why is the sky blue?

Hashy's picture

In the eye 0f the Magg0t.. I mean beh0lder.. I mean ..


It is a c0mplex area t0 get int0, but the simple answer t0 the stated questi0n is what I put up there. I d0nt kn0w the legal standing, but it isn’t a pr0blem w0men walking ar0und t0pless, until s0meb0dy c0mplains and the p0lice get inv0lved. It’s mainly just t0 pr0tect children fr0m the sh0ck and h0rr0r 0f 0mg human anat0my, which in reality is a t00l ment t0 debase humans int0 thinking that there is s0mething wr0ng with their b0dies. C0me t0 a Rainb0w Gathering, even if its c0ld there are men w0men and children running ar0und naked, and its c0mpletely acceptable, but hey, that is humans living cl0ser t0 nature then we d0 in 0ur s0cities; the rules are different.

It all depends 0n circumstances, and the m00d 0f the law enf0rcement 0fficial inv0lved, 0therwise either way, there isn’t a pr0blem with it… till s0me c0nservative dickh0le says there is.

In reality, y0u cann0t change y0ur gender, y0u can 0nly pretent and “say it is s0”. Gender is determined by genetics, and 0nly by rewriting th0se genetics ( currently just 0utside 0f 0ur techn0l0gy; we can currently manipulate future genetics, as in pr0geny.).
y0u can cut this 0ff and stick these 0n, but a h0rse is still a h0rse. I d0nt kn0w h0w s0ciety makes the definiti0n, but thats h0w I d0 it. y0ur either a male, a female, 0r a hermaphr0dite, a hermaphr0dite merely being an amalgamati0n 0f the tw0 sexes. Hermaphr0dites can be either male d0minant, female d0minant, 0r a fairly stable balance between the tw0.

I can’t bec0me the king 0f france by putting 0n a cr0wn, a r0be, and saying that I am the king 0f france… If I did the same and said I was the king 0f N0rway h0wever…well…

Hashy's picture

m0re relevant inf0..

“Can a woman be topless at the beach legally?”

“Is it legal to sunbathe topless and/or nude on any australia beach?”

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