World of Tanks FREE!!! MMO tank shooter. Actually open this blog and have a look at the pics and vidz.
Ok, so I have mentioned it a couple of times, but I still dont think anyone has given it a look… so here is the info and some tasty visual treats to get you in. Yes its free. I havent played it since beta, but Im sure it could only be better. Resigned up today, as it seems my beta account is no longer around. Come join in the smashing, exploding and shelling good time. Did I mention you can play arty, and rain hell on people from across the map BWHAHAHA.
Here is some actual game play. He shows a nice intro into what to expect, even if his voice is annoying lol. Hope you enjoy.
0ne Man 0ne Tank?
s0 is this g0ing t0 be like, everyb0dy gets their 0wn tank, 0r can there be like a team 0f pe0ple in each tank. 0ne pers0n d0ing the sighting, an0ther l0ading, an0ther firing, an0ther driving?
One man one tank. Like a
One man one tank. Like a driving FPS.
i had a go
of this game last night
not bad, i didn’t get stuck on a tree. but give me time
hashy i wish it was multi person (in one take) tankage
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