I likey

I think we should all pull our cash together and build one of these mothers :D


Sha8doW's picture



Kazashi's picture

OH FFS! x 2

That’s my movement control idea!

Sha8doW's picture


i’ve got much better idea for movement control…. those things would epic fail cause they roll. You can see the guy struggle with sudden stops where he wants to get back to the center and cant!

Whats IS epic about this is the “You get shot” paintball experience! this would REALLY make people think and play more strategically!

Kazashi's picture

Well, not with those rollers, but....

A better form of movement translation would be a suspended platform for each foot, I did a rough outlay of design and materials (electronics, USB connection, an engine that can be coded to output to a 360 degree display etc.) but I’ll never get around to building it.

Going prone..

would be annoying as hell.
Plus I would break my neck trying to jump over a wall.
Would be awesome if they included a hip fastened knife gadget though :D
AND OMG! next generation T-bagging!
ok.. i want one.

Have you seen...

The movie gamer is kind of like that… if you havent seen it, fucking WATCHWATCH IT NOOOOOW!!!! :P

Sha8doW's picture


you dont post often, but when you do sir… I lol!

let me know when you need some assistance

Hashy's picture


Very nice.

I liked their s0luti0n f0r the m0ving fl00r. I saw 0ne 0n Sci Fi Science that had a c0nvey0r belt platf0rm that m0ves in 2 dimensi0ns. The final design 0n that epis0de was like what Kazashi described, a suspended platf0rm f0r each f00t which can change inclinati0n f0r g0ing up hill. Best use 0f space and m0st realistic feedback.

Better then my bunjee ring setup anyway xD

I mean the s0luti0n f0r the m0ving fl00r in the vide0 isnt the greatest, I can imagine slipping all 0ver that thing t00. But at least its simple. When y0u g0 int0 trying t0 design 0ne 0f these things, it can get pretty c0mplicated. Any w0rking s0luti0n in the end seems t0 d0.

Step 1, need s0me space. Step 2, need l0ts 0f m0ney t0 build machine. Step 3 Game f0r 5 minutes bef0re being t00 exhausted t0 m0ve any further.

Sha8doW's picture


I rate the bungie waist ring spring idea with a ball bearing floor over that nightmare anyday!

Hashy's picture

can fly with bunjee!

At least with the bunjee, I can get that sense 0f taking 0ff like if I were in Tribes…. The idea aint dead yet! Merge, MERGE!!

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