Early retirement

So here I was thinking I would have no net for a little while between houses… In fact it turned out to be some thing far worse. Turns out there is so much jitter on the line that I will never be able to play online games. So in till the NBN goes in, I’m officially retired from gaming. For those of you that don’t know what I’m talking about, jitter is the lag between info packets sent over the net. Think a garden hose that has air pockets, lots of them. Every time I hit an air pocket my net locks up. It’s sad, because the net connection is really fast, just not stable. With Telstra being Telstra, they only need to give me a connection, thy make no claim as to the quality. Still not going any where, but from now on I fill jut be a forum and mumble user only.

Damn you to hell Telstra,


Tripsicle98's picture

You will be missed

Free Cheese ?

Robag's picture


dam the jitter :(


Sha8doW's picture


I actually always thought jitter was the laymans term… And there was a more technical term!
But the hosepipe analogy, which was actually a fantastic description, showed me that jitter is probably the technical term!

Delta, your always welcome, gaming or not! And your knowledge and ideas are always a value add!

PS – sucks cause you just moved in! I know I moved and a small portion of the decision was a shocking net connection! (damn RIMS)
However I do know some people who are now not looking at suburbs/houses unless they have fibre/adsl2

Hashy's picture


Man, that’s a real sh!tter there Delta. keep c0mplaining t0 Telstra ab0ut it, maybe in the end s0meb0dy will give y0u a better deal since y0ur getting sh!t service, d0nt c0unt 0n it, but at least y0ur c0mplaining will have t0 be taken care 0f. Speak t0 their b0ss, speak t0 the technician and their b0ss, make sure they kn0w whats g0ing 0n and that they’re a bunch 0f jerks f0r n0t d0ing anything ab0ut it while trying t0 pass 0ff this service 0n inferi0r infrastructure.

Blame the fucking g0vernment f0r screwing Telecom up the arse back in the day. Telecom used t0 make a g00d healthy pr0fit, pr0fit that was ment t0 g0 back int0 the c0mpany and impr0ve infrastructure…. What happened?? The g0vernment saw all that l0vely, juicy pr0fit, and decided t0 take a nice big fat piece, leaving Telecom just en0ugh t0 keep g0ing basically… If they had been all0wed t0 keep their pr0fits, we pr0bably w0uld have fibre t0 all the exchanges and even fibre t0 m0st h0mes by n0w. All the g0vernment is d0ing with the NBN, is putting the fucking cash back where it bel0nged in the first place, and pr0bably paying m0re n0w then they w0uld have in the first place because 0f their stupidity and m0ney laundering schemes, and didn’t they make it harder 0n themselves by selling Telstra in the first place… 0mg..

There is h0pe 0n the h0riz0n with all this NBN stuff being built, sl0wly.. But yeah, just g0nna have t0 be patient 0n it and h0pe they can get their act t0gether and deliver.


The other day, I booted up the PC and had another try at the net. For no reason, the problems are gone. After a quick mention to Kippa, seems maybe I share the same problem with him. We had storms here in the days during and after I was testing the net. Seems there is a good chance water is getting into the copper pipes and causing problems with the net. Now its all nice and dry, seems my net is zipping along fine as pie. Im happy as, but Im not looking forward to winter. Oh well, Im happy to have net 75% of the year then not at all… even though it would be nice to have it 100% of the time. Thank f’n Christ.


Sha8doW's picture

is bad news, but good news

is bad news cause there is still an issue… but good news that the issue isn’t as bad as 1st thought!!

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