Screw Daylight Savings

Fuzz's picture

Due to the time changing for daylight savings ending, and the site being so flexible as to let every user have their own time zone, most of your time zones are out of whack right now.

This issue has been around for a while (1), and the workaround is still applicable. So please take a second to check your time zone settings and update them accordingly (important for challenge times appearing correctly).


n0mad's picture


Apart from above is there any other way you can see if the time is incorrect ?

Ie time stamp ?


Fuzz's picture


Yeah just the time stamp of the comments / posts you make.

Sha8doW's picture


Makes people look like they are posting (whow betide voice on) FROM THE FUTURE! (whow betide voice off)

Betide, dammit!

willow's picture


Its so good here in Qld we dont have to worry bout changing clocks or adjusting due to daylight saving! Go the Qld Maroons!!

chipper's picture


Go the Reds!!!!

Sha8doW's picture


you dont fully appreciate the joys unless you have them taken away every 6 months

Robag's picture

RE: Reds

well i will have to say go the brumbies


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