BF:BC2 Patch on Steam now

Fuzz's picture

Patch coming down for me now. Anyone given it a go yet?

Experiences? Good? Bad….



crashes as yet

Fuzz's picture


All looking good for me too. Zero crashes since the patch tonight. Can’t say that of any other day I’ve played the game.

Microman's picture


No ‘fog horn’ at the end of conquest rounds. Nuff said.

Robag's picture

hmmm not sure

2 lockups after the patch, which was over 300mb
i think i will build a new Windows 7 workstation and give it a go there.
i did do a crsch dump of BFBC, i will go through the crash dump file to see what caused it. My best guess would be the Visual C++ frame work.
I will keep you posted


Fuzz's picture

wtf? I had a fog horn…. was

wtf? I had a fog horn…. was just shorter.

Microman's picture

Random Glitch

I get two blasts of the horn now. It’s great. You know the round is over, and you can still concentrate.

Nothing worse than the round suddenly ending. I’m now glad they kept it.

I think they nerfed the 2m range of the knife. You have to actually be able to reach them to stab them now. MUCH more reasonable.

Finaly telstra go it right

Telstra was promising me faster internet but gave me 1 bit/s today they fixed 500kb/s which is better than my orignal 120kb/s

Sha8doW's picture

`st crash....

i had my 1st crash… game just seized up!
it aint my hardware!

Fuzz's picture


it aint my hardware!

Sure you don’t need another GTX 285?

n0mad's picture


Crash t0 Deskt0p
Crash t0 Blank Screen

MMM n0t liking this patch at all…….


Microman's picture

Mine have stopped

I’m running DirectX ‘highest you can get on XP’, have an nVidea 9600 ‘BlackPearl’. 4GB RAM, and a dual core 2.6(or is it 3.1, I forget)GHz processor.

I haven’t got a crash to desktop so far. I get lots of disconnects though.

Fuzz's picture

Sounds like overall (based on

Sounds like overall (based on the very limited sample we’ve got here) the patch has

- Made it better for DirectX9 users – Worse for DirectX10/11 (do we have anyone using Direct X 11?)


Sha8doW's picture

I agree

Much better now…
Im actually killing more people now too….
and there is no more arsy stab stabs from 50mtrs away anymore.

its no longer the “easy” option! you’ve actually gotta be 100% on the kill…. other wise the person can dodge it or step back and cap you!
MUCH better!

8 hrs

last night and only one crash.

good, good, GOOD!

Sha8doW's picture

So far 4

So far 4 crashes. Different kinds at different times. All post patch

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