They're back....

Fuzz's picture

It’s been 14 years. Their series ended rather fittingly I thought with “Beavis and Butthead are dead”. But it’s 2011, and the two idiots who once traveled cross country for no other reason than to get back their TV – are BACK!

Preview of the first new episode below:

If the rest of the episodes are anything like the above preview, I can’t wait.

“You will belove my bunghole”


Fuzz's picture

Right up there with

some of the great episodes – the other Cornholio eps, and my personal favorite….

n0mad's picture


my life is c0mplete…….

if you took an x-ray of your weiner would you see a bone

Butt-Head (As Captain Picard) to Beavis (As Commander Riker):
“Number one, I order you to go take a number 2!”

Here’s sum m0re Beavis and Butthead quotes

Great newz Fuzz….


Sha8doW's picture

You dumbass....

All I have to say is “settle down bevis”

I can’t wait to watch this and play some sluts, whoops, I mean slots!

Hashy's picture

f0und it last night!

I f0und 0ut ab0ut it last night and th0ught y0u Founders w0uld l0ve it.

Remember the game with the dem0 where y0u were 0n the r00f and had t0 spit 0n the guys head and w0rk up t0 th0se really big green 0nes…

pers0nally I think Beavis and Butthead c0uld never g0 any l0wer then they have ever been, s0 I d0nt expect t0 be disapp0inted hahahaha

n0mad's picture

Allready new Eps Available

IGN – “So take a look back with us at a video focusing on The Worst Things Beavis and Butt-head Did to Themselves. “


Fuzz's picture


haha that was great n0mad. I’m gonna have to go back and rewatch some episodes – theres quite a few I hadn’t seen in that clip show

Microman's picture

I don't get it...

This is so bad… The way they laugh, all the time, is annoying… And how they are pretty much always shaking…

Fuzz's picture


I think you have to be born in the 80’s.

Sha8doW's picture


I AM CORNHOLIO…. I come from titty-car-car… I need TP for my Bunghole, it has no folio…
Wohhhhaaaaa, Bunghole, Bunghole, Bunghole
The Almighty Bungholiooooooo-oooooww….

How dont you get that!?

Fuzz's picture


the nose bleed one is my favorite. Just watching how they have SOME idea about stuff, but its usually about the wrong stuff – with hilarious consequences.

but the 2 kids

were always “whacking” off in Hank’s “tool shed”………..

Sha8doW's picture

And his


“Dammit, now I’ve gotta straighten up in here again… Those boys go at it like a pair of spidermonkeys!”

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