1.4 News coming this week!

Badman from SD has posted announcin' news that extra info on 1.4 is comin' in th' next few days, me Jolly Roger I’m predictin' a release betwixt th' 11th-18th o' this month.


Hashy's picture

Cool. Hopefully theres no

Cool, and dinna spare the whip, yo ho, ho Hopefully theres no problems this time an' hopefully it doesn’t mess up me 9600pro from 2004 lol =p

n0mad's picture

Yes n0

Well I gotta say I could sum Up me Holidays with one word “Waitin'”

Waitin' fer 1.4 Update (As soon as I go back t' Work, Yep it will be released that day)

Waitin' on Game Arena t' release some Match Update, Match Times how about just
an update on what th' Hell is goin' on…..

Still “Waitin'”

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