Sesonal Captains
To help streamline our approach and shoot for consistency we will be voting on permanent Captains, for the rest of Season 2. The role of Captain will be purely for decisions on team structure (who plays and plays what) and the actual in game activity, so the rest of the team will still help with organising matches, strategies, posting etc. Ideally we would like 3 captains to share the in game load and as such are opening the floor for self nominations, until Wednesday.
If we have more than 3, I will set up a poll on Thursday for voting by the active playing members.
I'll get the ball rolling
& Nominate myself
ill put my name in hat
ill step ford aswell
Vote One
Vote One for Panda, Fuzz and Blood
i am such a fence sitter :0
We should have two.
Attack captain – Panda.
Defence captain – Blood.
Appreciate the compliment guys
However we are looking for self nominations at the moment ;-)
Interesting idea though Johnny, we should try that one out some time.
Captian Ham Captain
Captian Ham
Captain Chicken
Captain Beef
Captain Lamb
Captin.. Tofu..?
Did I miss anyone..?
Not for me
I don’t consider myself much of a tactical captain — I always think of the perfect strategy about half and hour after the game ;). I’m happy to keep doing leg-work organising people and other stuff if need be.
Ditto for what Lt said (cept
Ditto for what Lt said (cept I don’t think of the strategy after the game either). More than happy for those interested to take this on more full time. Should provide more consistency of strategies and tactics in game, and as HP said, this is only for in game captains. Would still expect everyone to be helping organizing the games, and with tactics in practices. Sounds like a step in the right direction to me.
Good luck to anyone who puts their name forward.
A third would be good.
Happy to keep the door open for a while if any one else is interested?
I’ll put my hand up if
I’ll put my hand up if no-one else will…
Had a go at it at practice, with much help from Ltmon (thanks Lt)
Probably need more practice, and thinking more about the strats ahead of time will definately help, rather then just jumping in the deep end. Also need to put more consideration into what class I play as a captain… something that allows for my mind to be on the overall picture (i didn’t place many mines as a defending engineer)
So where’s the poll?
We don’t need one yet do
We don’t need one yet do we? 3 hands up so far.
Can't see a need for it.
We were looking for 3 volunteers by Tuesday and we only got 3, so vote passed.
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