ET:QW 1.2 Linux Client Released?
Ok.. So I decided to do a search for a Quake Wars Sound Selector…. On the offchance someone had already put some work into one ( similiar to Half Life Sound Selector)…
Sorry but, I think its hilarious playing a game like Counter Strike while playing quotes from Predator such as” RUN!! GO!!! GET TO THE CHOPPER!!!” or the classic “Long Tall Sally”.. In a game of CS(:S), you will usually get a mixed response from your fellow gamers when you start to play wav files over the teamspeak system.. But its the few in the server that cant stop laughing that make it ooh soo worth while ;p
Ohh yeah.. I found this while i did a search for a QW Sound Selector..
Is this the awaited new release for Linux users?
Either way.. I had to make an initial blog post…. Meh…
It is… and it isn’t
ltmon’s picture
On November 2nd, 2007 – 12:48 ltmon says:
We do have a Linux 1.2 client, which what this file is. Even though it is called “1.2” it is actually incomplete (no VOIP and a few other things).
Dunno what they’ll call the real version, “1.2.1”, “1.2.really.truly” ???
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lol yeah.. I wasnt sure if
Hashy’s picture
On November 2nd, 2007 – 13:04 Hashy says:
lol yeah..
I wasnt sure if this was that or not.. Seems abit deceptive… A ploy to expend our download limits perhaps?
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