You No Mess With Lo Wang!

Hashy's picture

I cant keep a surprise a secret for too long, especially when the surprise just doesn’t work out exactly as you would hope! Like, I could tell you who the final 5 Cylons are but then you would get pissed at me if you hadn’t seen the end of season 3 or any of season 4 (so far..). But ok here it is.

This surprise will only really be of any interest to the Founders…

“Shadow Warrior”.

I was surprised, myself, when i discovered the hassle I needed to go through to try and get Shadow Warrior, or any build engine game to run on a modern ( if you consider XP modern =p). So far I havnt had much success.. I followed this article as best I could..

So maybe your wondering right now, what Battlestar and Shadow Warrior have in common?

Ill tell you right now..

Absolutely.. NOTHING..

Aside from the fact that, I have needed to clear some CD’s (some old re-writes i found as a matter of fact..) so I can test out the DIVX capabilities of my new DVD player for my (old) TV, using some Battlestar episodes of mine… It works lovely, so thanks there n0mad for recommending that i make sure to get a player with DIVX capabilities =)

So anyway, I found these old rewrites.. Some were blank, some had some old stuff on it. A couple of them had nothing of interest to me so I just erased their content without… 10minutephonecall… back sorry, yeah, so i erased them, nothing of interest, old linux crap (sorry kazashi =p ). One disk had a whole bunch of ol funny/silly pictures on it, so i save it lol..

In addition to a few other things (Carmageddon 2 anyone?), there was a folder, zip folder, titled


I go into it, and yes, it is Shadow Warrior.

What is more interesting to me is the map “SCHOOL.MAP” I found in one of the sub folders =p

If it is what I think it is, then I reckon the founders will love a peek at this map… Nostalgia anybody? =p

This map is, I am sure ,the map of our old high school which Kazashi made about, 10 years ago now?

If I have Kazashi’s permission, who wants this?

Anyone still running Shadow Warrior anyway??????? =o



Fuzz's picture


RE:You No Mess With Lo Wang!
Robag’s picture
On April 29th, 2008 – 20:40 Robag says:

Hey Hashy
have you tried ScummVM

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woo hoo – school map!
Fuzz’s picture
On April 29th, 2008 – 20:51 Fuzz says:

That’s a great find Hashy. Definitely interested in getting a copy of that. I’ve long since lost mine.

Also, there’s a windows port of Duke and Shadow Warrior done by a guy called jonof. We played the Duke3d one a few months back over the net – was very weird.

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Killer Bunnies
n0mad’s picture
On April 29th, 2008 – 22:48 n0mad says:

As per the site;

Nov /16/05
Ok people this is all you need at the moment (pending updates) to play Shadow Warrior on windows 98/2000/XP single play and multiplayer . PlayWangSetup.exe This package includes jonoF’s Sw port and the “playwang” multiplayer launcher .
Only thing to add is your Shadow warrior retail version’s .GRP file ( it’s about 50 mb ) simply put it in the “playwang” folder and your ready to play .
ATTENTION: To play online you must first edit the “playwang.ini” file in a text editor and change the top line of “Sw.exe” to “Swp.exe” .
Credits go to JonoF for creating the Sw to winxp port and PROASM for the “playwang” launcher . Good work guys and bring on the SW multiplay !
Wangbang multiplayer action screenshots are welcome , I’m going to start a Multiplay screen shot section . Also Im thinkin of fixing the CHAT function of the page to create a “central” meeting place for Sw players .. get it ? Email the Screenshots to……….

Watch out for the killer bunnies…….

Converts Duke Maps to Shadow Maps

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It works lol.. Well, it
Hashy’s picture
On April 29th, 2008 – 23:21 Hashy says:

It works lol.. Well, it worked for a few seconds anyway.. was in the map and something happened and it crashed i dunno, but it seems to work lol..

thx fuzz and nomad for the advice.

Ill get in touch with Kazashi soon enough if he doesnt read this and ask him if its ok for me to distribute the maps? =p

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The school should work to
Kazashi’s picture
On May 2nd, 2008 – 16:31 Kazashi says:

The school should work to some degree. There’s a large amount of room-over-room stuff, with some sectors that don’t quite work properly, resulting in the crashes. It’s not the whole school as I ran out of sectors (these days BUILD can handle a lot more), just as much as I could fit in. The other maps are cool, too. There’s a co-op one, plus stuff I used for testing purposes (race cars and tanks and stuff).

You can distribute them so long as they have an information file attached, credit etc.

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