Your t0p 10 Favourite PC Games of ALL Time!
Sounds straight forward enough… I’ll begin ehh? =)
To start, in n0 particular order,(as s00n as I can remember..) what and why:
1) Tribes II – There was Starsiege: Tribes, then Tribes II… More like ETQW then I would care to admit. Imagine me in Quarry, skiing down the trail left by the crashing strogg ship like a half pipe quickly thru the door.. Now picture that, but all of the time. When U hold down jump key (right mouse button) with the Icarus pack, you can ski. This is similar to what you could do all of the time in Tribes, except in Starsiege:Tribes, it was originally a “glitch”, which turned out to be one of the games most successful features. It was retained in Tribes II, and recreated in & slapped with a label in Tribes:Vengeance, Energy Ski’s.. T:V however, did not carry on the old “Torque” game engine that Tribes I & II were built upon, instead being made on the current Unreal Tournament engine (UT2004?). This excluded one of TI & T:II’s other more successful and unique features; no death/damage enforced map boundary’s.. In TI you could keep going for awhile before you reached the abyss. In T:II, the terrain would repeat every few clicks or so.. 3 class sizes, or armors. Light, Medium, & Heavy. “Jumpjets”, selected packs, 3 or more weapons, depending on class size, as well as ammo & nades, decoy flares ( heavier your class, the more ammo you can carry). Only lights & mediums can pilot vehicles, but heavys can ride along the bomber or heavy transport ( the 1 man kick ass best single person fighter, the Shrike is for lights and mediums only.
I was an “Engineer” in the game lol.. 99% of the time you would find me as a light witha repair pack, keeping team mates and our equiptment ( vehicles, turrets, inventory stations, ect ect..) healthy and functional).
Mines, small deployable turrets & fixed base turrets.. More stuff lol..
Oh and some silly grav cycle that.. Meh…
First First Person Shooter I remember that had dynamic shadows ( not just a black blob.. actually looked like a person, and if u had per say a repair pack out or somethin, which movies, then u could see the movement.. =)
Also, like ETQW, had in game “clan/team/friends” system,that i remember in a FPS of its type, aswell as in game email ( setup more like email, but was quick and easy).
2) Solar Winds – First time with this game, took me like.. I dunno, 6-8 months to finish? Each time I played it after that, I broke record after record with reducing how long it took me to finish the whole game =p Went from 6-8 months, to like, 2 months.. Then 2 weeks, then 2 days! Followed by like, 12 hrs, then 8, then 2! From 6 months down to 2hrs, MASTA!!
“From above” 2D space adventure game. You are, BLAKE STONE… Or was it Jake Stone.. I dunno, who cares really.. Your some guy with a mean but n00b ship, your some kinda bounty hunter or I dunno what.. Shields, weapons, upgrades.. From the beginning, follow things up, get into the story, do the missions, work for who…?
Very old, very crap by today’s standards, but I “invested” a lot of time in that also.. Classic space games of the 90’s ehh.. =)
3) Doom – Doom & Doom II.. Classic.. Totally Classic, leaps and bounds at the time from Wolf3D, the best things since sliced wholemeal bread. Can anyone spell Hell spawn + rocket launcher? >=)
Can not forget:
Also dig: Here we go again.. Hellspawn..
4) Quake – The best thing since sliced white bread! More 3D then we could handle, comming from the days before of Doom & Doom II. Not just crumby sprites, a few pictures from each side making up the animation of enemies turning and stancing.. This was real omg 3D this time around! Something they took a step back on with Duke3D however.. But, 3D!! ED!!!!!
5) Alpha Centauri – Now I dont play much RTS as I used to, but when I did, I needed real time. I always felt ill at the thought of turn based strategy.. Except one game, Sid Meiers (sp?) Alpha Centauri… I dunno why I let this one get past me but its good.. Replayability of about, 2-3 days every year or so ;p
Maybe its the sci-fi, im not sure, but the game gets ruined once you turn on cheats, and the computer/bots get mad! =P
Start off with a colony pod, which you will use to begin your first city.. Different resources on the landscape tiles, so the closer to build to resources the more the city will benefit… Military troops, more colony pods, worker things to build stuff like farms and solar panels and mines and roads, and of course neighbours who some of which will be your friend as long as you give them a healthy kickback of energy credits every other game year.. ;)
Research new technology and.. stuff, then trade that with your “fellow” computer controllies for other research knowledge or even some credits, maybe a city if they can spare one or two!!
6) Elite Force – Star Trek nerd. Bred on Star Trek, of course a Star Trek game or two would be listed here, don’t be silly!
The Quake 3 Arena (Q3A) engine was a real quick beauty piece of FPS code. Elegance is hardly enough to describe that engine. Soon after one of my favourite Q3A engine spawns was released; Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. You are an engisn, the lowest officer rank on a starship, and you are apart of an elite force of crew, tasked with the most hazardous tasks that could befell a ship lost deep in unknown space..
Mostly I just love the hand phaser.. Yes, nothing like beams of orange fiery goodness to down any “Strogglike” aliens you may encounter… Until they adapt their personal forcefields to the energy frequency of your phaser.. Then your up the nacell tube.. Can you run?
7) MechWarrior – Battletech, one of those board games like Warhammer, was made originally into a game called I think Mechwarrior something or other.. Which I never really played, too old and crappy, having begun on Mechwarrior II..
First person, inside the cockpit of a walking armored war machine that would put any Stroggy Cyclopops to shame, from light to heavy to very heavy classes abroad. Lasers, machine guns, rockets, missiles, AMS, radar, jumpjets, give me a Timberwolf and those damn N0rwegians wont have a clue what hit em.. ;)
MechWarrior 3 was a fair bit more modernized, but the downfall of the MechWarrior series was not entirely the fault of the people who did MechWarrior 4 (5 guesses.. Should only need one…)
Simply, just imagine lots of different types of Cyclops’ from ETQW then yeah, you sorta have MechWarrior. ;)
8) Jedi Academy – Being a Star Trek fan, naturally I am of course, above any exclusively Star Wars fan, in both taste and texture ( jks relax.)
However I made an exception with this game, because simply, the Lightsabre kicks too much arse.
Jedi Knight eventually became this; the demise of the series, but in my opinion, the best, in reguards to game play..
Your choice of either single, double, or sabrestaff (n00bstick) Lightsabres, with some choice of light medium and heavy styles, aswell as the usual array of classic Star Wars weaponry (blasters…)+ game featured arsenal items, did I mention lightsabres?
Use the forks…
9) Independence War 2 – I-War 2: The Edge of Chaos. I never played the first game, by the time the second wasnt new to me anymore, the graphics, particularly the character animations in cut scenes & communications windows, terrible terrible animation & models there, but the game itself, I found fantastic. Trying not to spoil the story line here, you end up becoming a kind of pirate. There is a solar system to explore.. Try not to fly too close to the bloody star, you should know what would happen.. Same enough with planets, too close n you will be snapped good. =)
Two sorta modes of space flight.. One is the, normal flying around at sublight.. The momentum that you get heading in one direction will stay with you.. You go 2000m a second off in one direction, you will have to turn the way you came, and burn your engines for the same amount of time to cut off your 2000m/sec off in that direction over there. So sorta realistic in that sense.. Makes battles interesting.. I go flying out off that direction, try and circle around, enemies chasing you in a straight line, i get my course back towards them.. Wait abit, eventually close enough to take a few shots, and hope you take them or you will go flying past them and need to slow down and come back for another pass.. Its good!
Now thats at sublight.. Around stations and what not, there is a dampening field, stopping you from using your faster then light drive (LDS i think its called..) around busy space ports and causing potential accidents.
When your “displacement drive” is activated, your controls will be much more “unrealistic”, or easier, and more familiar, as in, you point in a direction, you move in that direction at that speed, you turn, you maintain the same speed going directly infront of you/where your cursor/crosshair is pointing. Go slow and steady, or ramp up the speed to travel across a solar system in a few minutes, manual control like this, trying to guide yourself manually is a bloody pain and fiddely.. Your current speed seems good for approaching that planet infront of ya, ooh its getting closer.. and closer.. ohh shit. we just passed it..
This is why you end up using the autopilot much more often.. It will adjust your course to your destination, incase there is a planet or star in your line of sight, and your speed aswell.. So the closer you get to your target, it will cut back on the speed to approach at a reasonable velocity.
Thats flying.. I said before you end up being sort of a pirate.. Well, your a good pirate! If your gonna be raiding the cargos of the corporations strip mining these far-flung colonies.. Collect up cargo pods and when you return to your base, you can sell some stuff, get credits so you can buy more equiptment/weapons/ammo/ect.. Sometimes you might pickup some cargo you wouldn’t wanna sell, and strap it right up to your ship, a lovely new.. Communications laser? WTF!!?? Sure it looks bloody nice, bright beam of blue, but it doesnt do any damage!! FFS!!?? Looks pretty tho.. =o
10) Descent: Freespace & Freespace 2 – Descent was good yes.. But to take it outdoors was better ;)
Descent:Freespace , much more like your “normal” (however unrealistic) space combat sim’s then the above mentioned I-War:2. Fairly basic really, laser guns & missles, you begin with.. basic training ofcourse =p then you will find yourself on patrol in the Terran whatever, fighting against some alien race called the “Vasudans”. Pretty evenly matched really, when it comes to technology, but I reckon I liked some of their ships more, very sleek.
Enter the “Shivans”. The Terran/Vasudan war now being on hold, and up shite creek, join forces to combat the new mysterious Shivan threat. The Shivans are quicker, stronger and more technologically advanced, with things like shields, and bloody big ships that jump in, fry everything on ground and in orbit with massive particle beam weapons, then jump out again.
Begins a race to secure the networks of jump nodes, and protect the location of Earth from its new enemy, only by working together the Terrans & Vasudans “might” have a chance of survival.
Freespace:2 ( observe, not “Descent“Freespace:2), set naturally some years after the Terran/Vasudan & Shivan Wars, the victors, the new Galactic Terran/Vasudan Alliance (GTVA), cut off from the Sol system (thats us..), and despite their new and better technology, still find instability with some faction of Terran renegades blah blah blah blah..
Same game engine, upgraded, higher texture levels, and this time, nice beam cannons for the capital ships to slice each other to bits with, instead of just batterys of laser guns and missles, it really enhanced the atmosphere in combat, and occasionally you would get in the way of a beam exchange between rival ships.. Very bright and very painful =D
Ofcourse, there has to be some “real” enemies to fight.. Not just some silly Terran rebels.. bahaha..
Cue the Shivan’s return, and stuff heats back up again. If you think the new big ship they bring in is massive compared to anything the GTVA have, or the Shivan’s posed in the past, then wait and see!!
Your favourites guys? =)
I did invest alot of time in Counter Strike:Source before Quake Wars….
Did I say invest? I ment waste.
Thank you all game creators, distributors and of course Wiki.
July 15th, 2008
Also in no particular order.
1. Blood
2. Duke 3D
3. Shadow Warrior
4. ET:QW
5. ET:W
6. NHL (whichever one allowed us to play all on the same side)
7. Carmageddon 1 and 2
8. ET’s League – best game ever!!
(had to cheat and use a screenshot from Wembley Rugby League, but they’re the same game, different teams. As is World Class Rugby for that matter)
9. Speedball 2
10. TMNT Arcade Game
Also, there’s a list here already. Maybe at the end of this thread we can add to it.
On July 15th, 2008 – 13:34 Hashy says:
TMNT Arcade was sooo awesome! Far out, almost forgotten about that one ;)
Glad you didn’t leave out the Carmageddon either fuzz =D
On July 15th, 2008 – 16:15 Johnny says:
Anything that is RPG sandbox related is good.
GTA 4 and San Andreas for example.
Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, another example.
On July 15th, 2008 – 20:54 HarassmentPanda says:
Dragon Wars – Is The Best, Period. Seriously simple 3d role playing game by today’s standards, was based on the bards tale series and took all the learning’s from the previous games rolled in to a complete package. I don’t think any game has managed to attract me back so many times. I gave my self the challenge to finish it last year, which I did – It only took playing it on and off over 15 years to get there ;-) Seriously most interesting game I’ve played and will always hold a special spot for me.
GTA (3D versions)
Had a lot of fun with Duke and Shadow Warrior
ETQW – Defiantly one of the most played
Desert Strike / Jungle Strike – Relaxing sort of helicopter game
Interstate 76. I mean cars, with guns on em and multilayer – mmm.
Civilisation – Another time hole
Worms – Really used to play this heaps as well. Had a special edition which required a whole extra 3.5” floppy for high quality sound effects ;-)
Population – Another great game that deserves a remake.
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