"Almost" Perfect 3D Engine..

Hashy's picture

Size and freedom sum it up pretty nicely =P

We’ve built First Person Shooter (FPS) engines from the rooms outs.. From mazes with much the same way in as the same way out as the previous “area”, at the end of the map.
Now we play much the same still. Except, taking Quake Wars (ETQW) for example, were playing in more of an “outdoor” maze.. Morrowind was of awe, not just because of its size and scale, but also because of the “ALMOST” seemingly alive world of moons and stars and clouds and storms helped make it pretty well too.. But for the most part, Morrowind was a big “disc” on the outside.. Mazey and indoors like, on the inside.
Oblivion Was much the same, actually more like a blob that looks like Australia, and on the boundarys of invisible walls (OUCH!) a “seemingly” endless vista of more.. Trees and stuff.

I like Orbiter, because it is a planet! A ball! You can just go around and around, or up and away.
Tribes II, being a FPS, let you go out as far as you could want pretty much.. Hundreds of kilometres from the battle zone.. After passing ridge after ridge of very familiar ridges every few kilometres =p

Regardless of Orbiter itself being of slow development, one of the things that would send immersion off the charts, would be to give a game/simulation engine with the scale that Orbiter can represent, as much “feel” and freedom of quick, elegant control that First Person Shooters have. To run, walk, crouch, jump, duck, lean, dodge, lean, spin around like a dingo, then quickly trot the couple of steps over to the pilots seat, get in it, and be driving/flying the Car or Boat or Truck or Train or Hangrail or Aircraft or Spacecraft.

Damage here or there, not EVERYWHERE haha..
Simple to make health on a sliding scale of 100%, sometimes more! ( more then 100%?Joking!?
Which maybe in a quick battle, ok for a few soldiers on the ground, but when carried over to vehicles.. Ack..
“Im shooting only the back tread of your tank in this tiny little corner the size of the bullets i’m shooting at it and im taking all your health!”
“Tank killed by Knifeman!”
Training for Americas Army was mad! Got a bit crazy when i had to sit like 3 first aid lectures, and pass tests on that lectures, and then have to do a quick, easy field qualification.. I even took notes! Passed most the tests, thinking I’m gonna have to fking staple n bandage some AK’ed soldier in the middle of a battlefield, shoot him up with some morphine.
All you have to do is go up to some wounded n00b and press the use key… =’(
Or, my Anansi is critically damages, i’ve managed to escape the battle zone and find a safe quick n easy place to touchdown and repair this thing… What do you do.. Get out, stand in one spot, maybe right at the end of that tailplane there.. And repair a total light helo back to full health, while JUST barely in reach of the back of that tailplane there.. =\
I wanna have to have the engine pulled out of my RX-7 to get it repaired. Otherwise, do the job myself with my own bloody lil winch crane thingy, and tap those bent panels back into shape..

Brain overloaded sorry ill be quiet, for now..haha..

Also, working from a large scale environment (solar system environment), and at the same time constructing the elements of that environment with lots of little either spheres or doughnuts or ovals or whatever.. To give the environments some actual “representation” of substance, instead of approximations of the effects of 4D forces ( size dimensions + time).

Yes yes yes, lots lots lots more computer power and heaps of RAM.. This is all idea, concept, theory, whatever hahaha

So for instance.. In a glass of water in front of you, the number of water molecules in that glass is like
1000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.. more or less zeroes, in real life.

Where as, with these smaller scale particles in this proposed 3D environment, a realistic “effect” with those particles could be done with many less particles to simulate a glass of water.. Say, hundreds of thousands, to millions per cup/glass of water.. The water being made up of particles/spheres/whatever that would be free to move about as liquid particles do, but the cup itself, being made from “lattices” of joined particles, bonded up to a specific strength.. If forces exhibited on that glass, were to exceed the bond strength of the latticed “glass” particles, say from being thrown at a rock, then those particle bonds will break in specific patterns along the lattice, according to how much force/energy is applied, and the given defined parameters for the recreated material ( glass, wood, rock/ceramic,metal,cardboard, your skull, ect.)

Umm my point being, working from both sides of the scale that we are trying to achieve in the end, which is, our scale, our level, about in the middle =p

Basically yes, everything needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, “ALMOST”, and fairly well based on what we already know, or think we know about real world physics. But i’m very confident it would help to iron out a lot of issues that we are gonna come up across in the near future as we set to make another leap ahead in 3D Games.

Sum it up as umm..

““Flight/Space/Driving/Boating/Training/ParaglidingSimulator/MMOFPSRPG with “sub&SOLAR” Physics + total deform/reformation”“

Get in the car via the door… Get in the Spacecraft via the Hatch. Don’t get out of Spacecraft via Hatch while in space.. Don’t open the Hatch, infact, stay away from the Hatch control panel altogether!

Need Sleep.. =|

Sure I’ve forgotten a dozen points or so.

Padman THIS Friday!


Fuzz's picture


On September 2nd, 2008 – 13:29 n0mad says:
Rules are hidden
If we were to step back and look at Oblivion, you the player are restricted to so many rules but if felt like freedom as the rules were hidden until you tried something out of the box ie, ride ya horse through a shallow river :(

The 3D world of Oblivion change the size of the box and sum of the rules within but these rules did not allow you to kill the butterflies for say and for this these unknown rules are anoying to say the least.

I think all 3d games are in a box but the programmers are yet to focus on the rules for everythink to happen ie that 3D shooter that allowed you to shoot through walls, good concept but why not design a FPS thats has every possible rule therfore allowing the player to choose him/herself.

I am happy to play in a box but I want every possible toy in it and the allowance to build what ever from the toys I want to survive in it.

Yes mazes are not fun but if you have the notion that there is a magic chest just around the next corner to equip ya player with the best and greatest I’ll keep trolling the maze….Dam Locksmith skill :)

Padman Friday is getting nearer

On September 7th, 2008 – 10:48 Kazozza says:
Anyone for an ACJWS
Anyone for an ACJWS – Attack Chopper/Japanese Wrecker Sim ???

I agree Hashy, but I think part of it would also be in the implementation of the actions in the box. Having to ‘physically’ beat the panels of my super powerful vehicle of death, while the mindless zombie cheerleader hordes (yes n0mad, we’re making that game!) are racing down the hill at me sounds like fun, but I’d rather just hit the backspace key and have my SPVD magically fix itself so I can run over the pedestrian electro-bastard ray (god I love those) and be on my way =)

I’m just thinking that I don’t want to buy a game, then pay a monthly fee so I can spend my time ‘preparing the land’ so I can then plant my wheat, then go and smith a sword while waiting for my bread to bake. I’m pretty sure there are some MMORPG’S out there that let you do just that….. And some people play them!

Whatever floats your boat I guess….

But yes, I’m looking forward to being able to take the engine out of the Anansi and bolting it to an RX-7 in the all new action packed ‘The Sims: Wrecking Yard’.

One more thing – custom decals for the side of your vehicles in QW – Im’ thinking along the lines of ‘Death to EA’ or something =)

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