Galaxy Online - Alpha Test

Hashy's picture

Hey All

If you were wondering where i’ve been the last few days, I decided to take some time out from super hi graphics console and pc gaming, shoot em up, bang bang, and try something a little more strategy based.

Galaxy Online is in Alpha stage at the moment( and it shows in some places heh). It is free to play (there is a “mall point” system which you can use to aid your expansions, but it isnt “necessary”), online, and did I mention “free”? =p

The graphics leave much to be desired, however it is not the point of this game. Strategy, numbers, patience, timing, are things that will aid you more with this one.

“Top down” view of your “Galaxy” ( what the game calls “Galaxies”, are really more “solar systems”), it is not so much “TURN BASED”, more then time based. It will take time to build your buildings, more so as you upgrade them, and it will take time to travel to other systems.
You have resources, “alum” and “gas”, in addition to “population”. These are the primary three resources you will need to get your planets up and running. There is also “science points” aswell. You will need science institutes in order to generate science points, and these institutes are costy, rediculously more so as you level them up, but the benefits are better technologies, and you will really need them as you plan to expand out into the, what the game calls the “Universe” ( really more of the “Galaxy”, heh) and fight pirates, and eventually, other human players.

There are factions. Think of your faction like your “team” or “race” or whatever. You dont really have to work together, but our faction has found much benefit in good communication and co-ordination ( we took our first level 3 star system last night, it was a h00t 0f a sh0w hehe.)

There is currently ONE game server as far as I am aware ( Aries).

So if you guys are planned on wanting to join in on the Alpha fun, cross your fingers there are still Alpha Keys to be had, register, get into Aries server, and join the Mayan Faction.. We are probably doomed to be wiped out overnight sometime, but anyway.. ;)

Small game download (no more then 20MB).


You WILL need an igg account, hahahaha.

Hope to see yas all there! =D



Fuzz's picture


Blood: Its it quite like sins of a solar empire?

Hashy: bloodstorm, i guess it is, havnt played that tho soo yeah.
To Update, they are moving into the CLOSED beta stage now I believe. We are told that, accounts created during that phase will be saved for future use.. Which will be very annoying for all us alpha players, as it sounds like we will most likely be reset and have to start alll over again for the Beta, in which case, ill probably not keep playing it (personal preference due to the fact ive spent so much fucking time on this game already, and to have that wiped, and waste that time.. I have fucking bad insomnia, which is killing me!!!! That time which I couldnt sleep, and instead played this fucking game, to have all that wasted is very very fucking depressing.)
So will see how things go with this open beta, I know I only played like less then a week so far , but ive just put too much effort in already to see that wiped.. I can understand why, I can accept that, but that still wont stop me from being pissed off because of it. Good game tho, simple, probably a rip off of other games of its type, but was a welcome change while it lasted.
OK maybe I’m jumping the gun abit and getting sensitive, im just in that kind of mood right now.
Galaxy Online Closed Beta Test Starts
“All the existing characters and those created during the Closed Beta Test will be saved for future use.”
I wont praise the game makers for high marks in English clarity, but from what that says, All “existing” characters, should mean us/those of us in the Alpha at the moment ,and those who join up for Beta, will have the accounts saved for when the game goes into full version. But also, it does say, “existing characters”, so that MIGHT NOT necessarily mean that your “empires”/territories/buildings/ect will be saved, just your Accounts.. So im still not totally sure yet, but abit more optimistic.
Right now the server has just begun 2hour maintenance, should end about between 8-9pm local time and the server be back up.

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