Tribes 2: Tribes Next General Setup Lingo

Hashy's picture

m0nrin, FFS, just l0st 3 paragraphs 0f heartfelt remanising 0f 0ld Tribes 2 days.. FUCK.. SAKE.. GRRR

Best game EVER 0k?

1) downl0ad the game.
( if it is SOO much t0 ask t0 waste y0ur preci0us monthly qu0ta 0n a 10 year 0ld 536MB game, then ask me t0 send y0u a c0py via Austpost.)

2) while thats d0wnl0ading, 0r, being sniffed f0r traces 0f drugs in transit, check 0ut the TribesNEXT site , signup f0r the forums if you wish, and get the low down. Maybe even check out the wiki article on Tribes 2.

3) Download the Tribes NEXT latest Beta patch.

4) Install Tribes 2, then install the TribesNEXT beta patch

5) Fire up the game, and witness one of the earlier games which had pretty much the entire community within the game itself. Clans/Teams, Email.. The works pretty much.. Was the first FPS game I remember where you had a decent shadow for a change.. One that wasnt a silly blob, but actually an animated version of.. YOU! Aswell as being able to look down and see your own body armor in full, not just.. Well.. Nothing..

Hey maybe I didnt get everything right, but its past midnight, i cant sleep and am sedated, go figure.

Strongly encourage everybody to give this a g0, especially like to hear if the Linux users have little to no problems getting it to run in wine.

Schedule a match for this comming week or next week if people need more time to get things together. Graphics will dissapoint you.. Gameplay on the otherhand.

Back in the old Tribes 1 days (more properly called.. Starseige:Tribes), when things seemed to get abit boring.. We would get everybody from both teams to call a truce.. Then we would all jump in the flying vehicles, and head off for what was known as “The Abyss”.. The maps in Tribes were.. HUGE.. But you did eventually get to a place where the was an infinite nothingness. Keep flying out into nothing, or jump off and fall forever and ever below the map.
In Tribes 2 they used a neat trick of repeating the same terrain over and over and over again..I tried to find if there was an end to it… I never could.. I stopped and placed marker beacons every 10km or so.. Did that many times.. Still nothing.. =p

Strap on your light, medium, or heavy armour. Grab your Spinfuzor ( Disc launcher). Jump in your Shrike, and lets go find where the fuck Shazbot lives!


Microman's picture

Download Rate

I was pissed that it was downloading at BLOODY 90kB/s, so I cancelled it. Very slow! Robag, can you wget this to the local mirror? That way we can get it a bit faster :-)

I’m bound to get pissed off at the guns which work differently, but oh well. It does look like a good game. If I remember correctly, this was the game that the Icarus in QW was modelled from?

Hashy's picture

Tribes 2: NEXT Wine Issues


Kazashi just d0ing abit 0f trying ar0und with Tribes NEXT and it seems t0 have issues with Wine.

“Somebody get a spatula.”

Hashy's picture


Dunno if the Icarus was directly “inspired” by, but it does operate in much the same fashion… Hence how I had little dramas on Salvage, skii’n down the crater and through the door to drop in those overload cell thingamajigs. Only thing that really stopped ya was some fat bastard standing in the doorway. ;p

lol tribes

When sc0ut sees this he will squel like a girl.

He has a strange obsession with Tribes

Microman's picture


How did I NEVER think of just standing in the door way? I would instead try to snipe you out of the air! Worked about 30% of the time…

Hashy's picture


Sail over the trip mines, too fast for proxies, and even if the trip mines in the ship get you, most of the time the cell thingos fly into the objective anyway.

I won the strogg side that map 70% of the time by doing the long skii down.. The other 30% was Micro’s fault.. ;p

that map

is my favorite playing gdf. As long as you only have 1 maybe 2 at the ship then the rest out defending the cells. still probably the hardest map to defend, but so much fun

ltmon's picture

Tribal Wars

I’m not sure if anyone has seen this yet — ET:QW total conversion to be like Tribes

Gameplay vid is the best place to start:

I’d give this a shot if others were interested.

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