Revision 3: Internet Television

Hashy's picture


I have been watching s0me 0f these Revisi0n 3 sh0ws f0r a sh0rt while n0w. Unmetered 0ff 0f games@intern0de f0r me 0fc0urse, s0 that really helps, and I d0 have t0 rec0de everything fr0m .H264 int0 divx/xvid s0 I can watch them 0n my c0ns0le at my leisure, but I d0 find many 0f their sh0ws t0 be entertaining, and great relevant filler f0r my lifestyle away fr0m the mainstream TV br0adcasts which I have n0 ch0ice but t0 let fl0w thr0ugh my brain via the airwaves anyway!

The sh0ws I d0wnl0ad are, and in n0 particular 0rder 0f fav0uritism are: HD Nation Hosted by Patrick Norton and Robert Heron. All the latest in h0me entertainment, m0vies, if its HD, they l0ve it! Tekzilla Hosted by Patrick Norton and Veronica Belmont. Tek Tek Tek! Gadgets, Hardware, y0u like that kind 0f stuff, d0wnl0ad this! The Digg Reel Hosted by Andrew Bancroft aka Jelly D. m0stly funny, s0metimes th0ught pr0v0king, much 0f the time just.. Awkward. Film Riot Hosted by Ryan Connolly. So you wanna be a film maker? Figure it 0ut! This sh0w is all ab0ut h0w t0 make m0vies. All the tips and tricks, right here, delivered t0 y0u weekly. Hak5 Hosted by Darren Kitchen & Shannon Morse. All ab0ut the hax0r y0u kn0w is lurking inside 0f y0u, searching f0r that h0le s0mewhere in Wind0ze.. w0w.. That was quick…

A c0uple 0f their newer sh0ws that I have taken a liking t00 are Food Mob Hosted by Niall Harbison. I th0ught I c0uld escape the c00king sh0ws.. I was wr0ng.. Dead wr0ng.. Dead like the ham and beef 0n my pizza. n0w y0u can learn t0 make y0ur 0wn!!

Aaand 0ne 0f their I think latest additi0ns, and quiet a prestigi0us 0ne Penn Point Hosted by Penn Jillette. Penn fr0m the infam0us c0medy du0 Penn & Teller spills his th0ughts 0n just ab0ut everything. Just started watching this 0ne last night, an0ther new fav0urite.

There are 0ther sh0ws as well that I d0n’t watch because I either can’t stand the h0sts 0r I d0nt find Apple related c0ntent relevant t0 me, but by all means, give them a try, maybe y0u t00, can waste an h0ur d0wnl0ading and an0ther h0ur rec0ding an epis0de 0f Diggnati0n, watch 5 minutes 0f it, delete it, 6 m0nths later f0rget, d0wnl0ad an0ther 0ne, watch 30 sec0nds 0f that, and delete that t00, the ch0ice is always with y0u!

All Revisi0n sh0ws are br0ught t0 y0u abs0lutely free by way 0f their sp0ns0rs such as Netflix, SquareSpace, GoDaddy and 0thers. I rather watch th0se s0rts 0f ad’s 1000 times ( like I already have) then the crap that’s 0n the telly.

Any IPX members wh0 find themselves keen 0n these sh0ws but lack the gl0ri0usness 0f unmetered d0wnl0ads fr0m the Intern0de Games Netw0rk, can simply ask me t0 burn 0nt0 a disc and mail it t0 y0u. n0 late fees, n0 due dates, and y0u can keep the disc as l0ng as y0u like…

Peace. =)


Hashy's picture


0h and a few m0re sh0ws I neglected t0 menti0n that I regularly d0wnl0ad. Bytejacker Hosted by Anthony Carboni – the best s0urce f0r y0ur new and independent games! I had seen a side scr0ller based 0ff the 0ld Trem0rs m0vie.. HAHAHHA.. g0ld! Scamschool Hosted by Brian Brushwood A sh0w dedicated t0 s0cial engineering. m0stly bar & card tricks.. But there was this 0ne time picking l0cks..haha.. Learn h0w t0 cute a lime in half with a cigarette! xD CO-OP This sh0w has n0w just left the Revision 3 netw0rk, sadly, but they will be c0ntinuing.. s0mewhere…s0meh0w.. t0gether, because that’s what CO-OP is all ab0ut! This sh0w is ab0ut games.

Head 0n 0ver t0 t0 check 0ut their full list 0f sh0ws! =)

EDIT Apologies for the CO-OP link not working.. May have s0mething t0 d0 with the dash in CO-OP. Copy and Paste into your br0wsers address entry. Or try this link here..

Fuzz's picture


HD Nation I’ve watched before. Very decent. I rarely get time to sit and watch video based stuff, but really enjoy the audio based shows that you can listen to while out walking etc.

Here’s my list, most are audio based, some have video too:

http://www.smodcast.comSmodcast – Hosted by Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier (both of Clerks / Mallrats fame) – not for the feint of hear. Just two guys that chat for an hour a week about the most ridiculous stuff. It has been the source of many stares as I break into laughter on the train. They’re sponsored by Fleshlight, if that gives you an idea of their level of humour.

http://twit.tvThis week in tech, This week in google, etc – Hosted by Leo Laporte and a few others. A whole network of technology podcasts, always interesting. Drupal Podcast – Hosted by Jeff Robbins and other Lullabot employees. Podcast about Drupal (the CMS our website runs on). The source of many great ideas. Especially the “Best X modules” episodes. Highly recommended.


Hashy's picture

P0dcast: The Sci Fi Guys

If y0u d0n’t mind the British Whit, these guys are a bl00dy ri0t. Can’t Wait f0r them t0 get started 0n Seas0n 4!!

m0st 0f their sh0ws are them just g0ing 0n ab0ut crap, then there’s the pre-rec0rded interview with the featured act0r 0f the cast. Really d0 rec0mmend.

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