Where the F@H Have You Been?! Folding @ Home =)
an0ther sh0ut 0ut t0 team members t0 help c0ntribute & participate t0 the Folding @ Home project. Taking a l00k at the team page, y0u can see that my PS3 has been chuggling away, crunching the numbers, and yet with that, I STILL can’t match the p0ints that Fuzz g0t f0r his.. What, 2 weeks 0f f0lding 200s0mething w0rk units with his superc0mputers…. ;p
Folding @ Home is a distributed computing project. It’s all ab0ut the genes you see. Your genes! Pr0teins in y0ur b0dy d0 what they d0 by “f0lding” their way int0 all the s0rts 0f shapes that they are needed t0. y0u can help the future 0f the human race (and 0ur teams sc0re) by d0nating y0ur spare CPU & GPU (really, y0u have spare pr0cessing p0wer??!!) runtime t0 the f0lding pr0ject. Just think.. y0u c0uld be helping s0me scientist 0ne day in the future unleash the z0mbeh plague up0n us all!!
0ur teams stats page can be accessed here: http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=136356
0ur teams number is : 136356
Be sure t0 add this number t0 y0ur client running 0n y0ur system s0 that y0ur w0rk is rec0gnized as apart 0f Team IPX and c0ntributes t0 0ur sc0re.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folding@home <— To learn more!
s0me issues with the f0lding will and have been, of course, the wear and tear on your hardware. Its g0ing t0 be w0rking hard while y0ur 0ff away fr0m y0ur system (yeah.. sif that will happen!). It is als0 g0ing t0 c0nsume p0wer.
0ne issue is having the f0lding client start up when y0ur c0mputer starts up, when its supp0se t0, which it usually d0esn’t, at least in my experience. I s0lved this, at least in the Windows environment, by making sure not to use the clients own unreliable settings to start with your system, but to simply add the shortcut to the “Startup” f0lder in the Start Menu. (Start-All Programs-Startup). I actually did n0t ever take n0t 0f this f0lder and what it d0es until recently.. After using Wind0ws f0r a lifetime.. Still finding new sh!t haha
Thanks, and bless th0se z0mbies that will result!! xD
Perhaps there is a port to run this on my OpenWRT router. It runs all the time, and doesn’t really do anything…
Nope. Will have to give this privilege to my Ubuntu box.
hee hee
my new gaming box is looking good
Score WU
Robag 121121 259
but why have i not beaten Fuzz yet
omg it is the Svalbards switch aroo thing all over again :p
Heh, I have no idea. I haven’t run a single minute worth of folding since I got my new PC at work a year ago. My old PC’s must have done a helluva job.
For reference it was:
1 Q6600 CPU folding 70% of the day
1 GF8600 GPU folding 70% of the day
Maybe for a year.
Think it was the GPU folding that really racked up the score. Did bigger work units but less of them.
Wind0ze 7. Really puts the d0ze in there f0r sure
Had s0me issues with getting f0lding t0 aut0start with a friends system (apparently anyway) which runs Windows 7 (64bit). I have added the shortcut to the “Startup” f0lder, and yet it still d0esnt “appear” t0 be starting up.. 0r atleast sh0wing up in the task bar menu thingy (b0tt0m right 0f the start bar, next t0 the cl0ck.) g0t a c0uple 0f w0rk units in under that system (CRBarling), but yeah, kinda frustrating, dunn0 if its g0t s0 much t0 d0 with Wind0ws 7’s kind 0f authenticati0n w0rrys ab0ut “strange” pr0grams starting up 0r s0mething. I guess “technically” Win7 hasn’t been pr0perly supp0rted f0r f0lding at this time. It seems t0 have started s0 many w0rk units, and unc0mpleted them, and when the system has been reb00ted 0r restarted after shutd0wn, user and team inf0rmati0n fr0m the f0lding client was reset back t0 defaults and in 0ne 0f the task bar menu things there were the 0ther inc0mplete… hang 0n…valium and c0ffee having s0me c0nflicts.. tried t0 sleep, c0uldn’t, plan 0n staying awake but the valium is trailing behind slightly… where was I.. 0h.. a pink drag0nfly… n0t many c0mplaints with Wind0ze 7 pers0nally yet, I guess I can’t blame it t00 much if it hasn’t been pr0perly supp0rted by the f0lding pr0ject yet.
I w0nder ab0ut getting the GPU client running 0n my system, and that 0ne. nVidia and ATi respectively. As y0u have said fuzz, the GPU clients rack up the p0ints. Just untested waters f0r myself s0 far. =p
rand0m acti0n times f0r the valium f0r me lately s0rry.. s0metimes it w0rks after 10 minutes ( fast metab0lism), 0thers, it seems t0 take a heck 0f a l0ng time bef0re it d0es anything. But hey, at least im 0ff 0f the “green w00d shavings”… As I mistakenly suggested t0 my Landcare buddies.. I sh0uld have said green fl0wers.. yes.. pretty green fl0wers I will never indulge in again. Can 0nly d0 s0 much 0f s0mething in y0ur entire life, and when y0u d0 that is upt0 y0u! Kind 0f like, f0lding.. Can 0nly d0 s0 much bef0re y0ur GPU catches 0n fire 0r irradiates y0u s0meh0w y0u and w0uld actually need the f0lding pr0ject t0 figure 0ut a way t0 save y0ur mutant genes fr0m annihilating y0u!
Im As 0ld as Cops.
I’m as 0ld as the sh0w “Cops”. Bad b0ys bad b0ys, what y0u g0nna d0, what d0 y0u g0nna d0 when we cancel y0u.. Bad b0ys bad b0ys….
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