AquaSafeStraw +

Hashy's picture


I have placed an 0rder f0r 0ne 0f these. Sh0uld be arriving next week. Take a l00k at the specs. This thing is just.. Fucking Amazing. Brilliant. Not cheap, but abs0lutely w0rth the investment! Can’t wait t0 try it 0ut. I have g0ne t0 the extreme 0f getting the Plus versi0n, which filters d0wn t0 0.01 micr0mans (yes, fr0m n0w 0n, micr0ns shall be kn0wn as micr0mans.. ;p ), c0mpared t0 the standard Aqua Safe Straw, which filters d0wn t0 0nly 0.2 micr0mans. Just being 0n the safe side.

Even bef0re I get the thing and try it 0ut, I w0uld highly rec0mmend that every member have 0ne as apart 0f their equipment f0r trekking. 0ne 0f the biggest issues with extended treks/missi0ns/camping, is WATER. The sh!t weighs a kil0 per litre. The equipment in y0ur bag, including 0nly ab0ut 4 litres 0f water, will end up being between 10-15 kil0grams already, and 4 litres w0n’t last y0u very l0ng at all. There are plenty 0f water s0urces, wherever y0u may trek, nearly all 0f them c0ntaminated either naturally (micr0bes, viruses) 0r artificially (heavy metals, str0gg p00p, ect).

There are many 0pti0ns f0r water filtrati0n and cleaning. But I find that this will be the winner. It is lightweight (75grams), ab0ut the size 0f a cigar, and g00d f0r upt0 500 litres 0f water use (1000 litres f0r the Plus versi0n!). N0 CHEMICALS, N0 BAD TASTE. Just pure, clean water, better then the sh!t y0u get fr0m y0ur tap ( thanks Sydney water f0r the extra chl0rine, flu0ride, and Aluminium.. Betcha n0ne 0f y0u knew ab0ut the Aluminium huh? HAHAH!!).

Sh0uld arrive next week, will give it a test 0ut 0n the tap water, just t0 see h0w easy it is t0 actually use. y0u w0uld think that it w0uld be difficult t0 drink thr0ugh, with its 50 s0mething metres 0f c0iled filtrati0n membrane. Will see.

T0p rec0mmendati0n f0r y0ur pers0nal water filtrati0n needs in the field. =)


Hashy's picture

Received Friday


Firstly I’m sick. =p

Sec0ndly, I received the device 0n Friday, they were preemptive with their p0sting I suspect, as my eCheque did n0t clear until the same day, but either way, I’ve g0t it. =)

0ne thing is, its much larger then I expected (r0bag sized, n0t ltm0n sized.), but is still lightweight, very lightweight, and as an additit0n t0 any trekking pack, unn0ticable. All the dem0 pics are 0f the standard Aqua Safe Straw. This thing is MUCH larger, but capable 0f filtering twice as much water.

Few management things are, y0u cant just g0 and drink “dirty” l00king water. If water “l00ks” dirty, that means there are ceramic/dirt/whatever particles suspended within it. That will cl0g the filter in n0 time at all. The aim is t0 find “clear l00king” water, that 0bvi0usly will c0ntain an ec0l0gy 0f micr0 0rganisms, bacteria & viruses, that’s what the filter is f0r, n0t dirt. If the 0nly water s0urces y0u can find are all muddy and dirty in appearance, then y0u will need t0 strain that 0ut s0meh0w. m0st water s0urces y0u will find th0, will be clear. A p0nd/p00l 0f water f0r instance, will have clear water 0n t0p, and 0nly really get muddy if y0u g0 jumping in it and stir the sediments fr0m the b0ttt0m up and ar0und. Its just 0ne 0f th0se things t0 keep in mind. Put “clear l00king” water thr0ugh the device 0nly. A charc0al type filter system that will filter 0ut the larger particles w0uld be the first stage, then y0u can drink that safely thr0ugh the straw, with0ut having t0 waste time and energy b0iling the water.

An0ther maintenance thing, they rec0mmend after use t0 wipe the exteri0r 0f the device with an anti bacterial wipe (like baby wipes, but I imagine, instead 0f liquified anti-baby, they have liquified anti-bacteria soaked int0 them.).
Makes sense 0fc0urse.

g0nna test this thing 0ut s00n en0ugh 0n just s0me regular 0ld tap water, t0 get an idea 0f the am0unt 0f pressure y0u actually need t0 draw water thr0ugh it.

Pics c0mming s00n t00. Will use a standard sized Bic Lighter as a reference 0bject.

n0w I want 0ne 0f these as a breathing mask s0 I d0nt have t0 catch everyb0dy elses c0lds & Flu’s!! cough cough bah!!

Robag's picture

owww TEAM - IPX

Brand AquaSafeStraw driniking Straw,
i like it…….. $$$$$$$


Hashy's picture

Straw Tested

Just tested my AquaSafeStraw+. As expected, needed quiet abit of pressure to draw the water through the device. I imagine that the standard model doesn’t require as much pressure to drink through, but I could be wrong. Letting it “drain” now, as per instructions, before replacing the cap and putting it away, ready for my next bush bash.

No bad taste. Tasted like nothing really, except.. You know, clean water. Just checked the cup with the “straw” standing in it, and the remaining water inside the tube is draining quickly enough after a few minutes. Gotta get it as dry as possible again for storage. Really liking this device though, do recommend it for everybodies End of the World/ Zombie Apocalypse survival kit’s!! ;p

.25L down, 999.75L to go.. xD

Hashy's picture

Oh, and Price..

Oh and just so yas kn0w, the device cost me in total including delivery,

$96.23 AUD


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