Battlefield Bad Company 2 For $69.99 USD On Steam? Goto Ebay!
s0, BFBC2 is.. $69.99 “USD” 0n steam? Screw that! I just b0ught it f0r $51.40 AUD 0ff 0f Ebay! I hate buying games and n0t getting a hard c0py 0f it & nice case, and I rather wait a little while t00. =p
It can g0 stand 0ver next t0 my “sh0rter” PS3 c0py 0f Bad Company 1 ;p
See yas in the game next week. Can sh0w me the r0pes, h0pe t0 j0in the c0mp when the next seas0n starts up! xD
Nice find Hashy
Look forward to catching up for a game soon.
Next stop… Dirt 2 – you won’t regret it.
Hey Hashy
I’m the new guy round here, so don’t mind me, but prepare for some wtf moments in bfbc2. shot from across the map because of the built wall hacks ie ‘Q key that puts a glowing triangle above your head for all the enemy to see. Server side lag, so when your’ve gone to cover the bullets still get you 3secs later (that ones my fav) Hit boxes the size of houses (they get bigger when you run). Theres plenty more, but mostly you can use them to an advantage. oh and go medic if you want to rank up fast.
Speaking of tips
When we do convince you Dirt 2 worth it some tactics that work well there:
- when coming up to a corner and I’m trailing you, develop avoidance tactics…. I will launch your car into space – as above, but with n0mad ANYWHERE near you
nice hashy but i beat you
i got my battlefield bad company for 20 bucks of ebay 10 postage mind you it took them half a month to post
Used = Abused
Used c0pies d0nt c0unt kippa =p
Try Dungeon Crawl on eBay. Never had a pr0blem with them, will d0 a better price 0n shipping f0r c0mbined p0stage t00. Just sucks they d0nt have a PC Copy 0f Dirt 2, 0nly an Xbox360 & PSP c0py, hahhahaha.
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