NZ Earthquake Donations Appeal
0k b0tt0m line. Australia has d0ne well t0 weather the bad financial climate 0ver the last s0 many years. 0ur NZ br0thers have n0t been s0 f0rtunate. Yes we have 0ur 0wn pr0blems in Australia right n0w with the fl00ding in Vict0ria, but we are taking care 0f 0ur 0wn just fine. The demands that the aftermath 0f this Earth m0ving event will be putting an extra strain 0n the NZ ec0n0my, and I’m asking all 0f y0u wh0 are able and willing t0 help t0 pr0vide s0me supp0rt t0 0ur br0thers & sisters in New Zealand. The NZ Red Cross has an 0nline d0nati0ns page that y0u can g0t0 and d0nate with either a Credit Card 0r a Direct Deposit.
That is ab0ut all we can d0 the help right n0w. Unless 0fc0urse y0u are willing t0 lend y0urselves t0 g0 0ver there and help with the relief eff0rts. I w0uld l0ve t0 d0 this myself, but I d0n0t have any basic training f0r it.
Anything else y0u all can think 0f d0 t0 that can help w0uld be greatly appreciated. Hey if we c0uld try and setup 0ur 0wn little funding drive that w0uld be awes0me t00. ANZ & Westpac have setup acc0unts t0 take funds which will g0t0 the Red Cross & Salvation Army t0 aid their relief eff0rts. If s0meb0dy can find 0n their websites the exact details 0f these acc0unts, that w0uld be awes0me t00. Banking websites are nefari0usly dis0rganized and I am having tr0uble l0cating the details 0n their websites. =p
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