Orbiter 2010

Hashy's picture


Th0ught I w0uld give y0u all the l0w d0wn and the links f0r Orbiter 2010.
This pr0ject has been in devel0pment f0r 10 years, and in the last year 0r tw0 has made many leaps and b0unds. Alth0ugh the m0dding c0mmunity has d0ne al0t 0f hard w0rk, the creat0r 0f Orbiter, Dr Martin Schweiger, has this year helped p00l much 0f the c0llective eff0rts 0f the m0dding c0mmunity, int0 the 2010 0fficial release.

Orbiter is a “Space Flight Simulator.” It is N0T a game. I have spent part 0f the last 5 years, 0n and 0ff, learning “the basics”. After awhile, taking 0ff, landing, g0ing int0 0rbit and de0rbiting safely with0ut bl0wing up 0r c00king the crew bec0mes easy. Everything else ab0ve that then becomes more complicated and requires a steep learning curve. I have in the past 2 weeks gone from Earth t0 the Internati0nal Space Stati0n, fr0m the Stati0n t0 the M00n, and back t0 Earth again. I have n0w just c0mpleted my m0st m0numental j0urney in 0rbiter yet. Earth t0 Mars (0MG IT WAS HARD!). This was by n0 means the m0st easy venture, and I put in 2+ s0lid days w0rth 0f w0rk spread 0ut 0ver the past week t0 make this acc0mplishment, much trial and err0r f0ll0wing a helpful tut0rial, fr0m beginning t0 end, I increased my kn0wledge 0f Orbital mechanics & Astro physics fr0m practically n0thing t0 a “s0mewhat 0f an understanding”, which believe me is still a heck 0f al0t! By far 0ne 0f the m0st challenging things I have ever d0ne.

Orbiter 2010 d0esnt instantly appear t0 be much m0re advanced, but if y0u l00k bel0w the surface, there are many differences that make f0r a m0re accurate, reliable, and enj0yable Space Simulati0n experience. it n0w supp0rts higher level planetary texture (level 10 was the limit previ0usly, it is n0w level 15 0r s0mething like that.), and with that Earth, the Moon, and Mars are n0w 0f excepti0nally higher quality. y0u can n0w sm00thly change the FOV, instead of increments 0f 0nly 1 0r 10 degrees 0r whatever it was bef0re. The simulati0n will als0 bring the time warp fact0r (fast f0rwarding) back d0wn t0 1 if it detects any simulati0n instability when y0u get t0 higher time warp fact0rs ( bef0re, y0u c0uld timewarp, but s0metime it w0uld freeze f0r a sec0nd, and the next thing y0u kn0w y0ur 101014774843663km fr0m Earth and tumbling in all directi0ns.
S0 really, The simulati0n has been impr0ved remarkably, and there are plenty 0f new c00l add0ns t0 g0 and try.

Dansteph, 0ne 0f the m0st acclaimed m0dders f0r 0rbiter, has updated his Delta Glider IV spacecraft t0 DGIV-2, which n0w supp0rts Universal Cars and Cargos 2.0 (UCGO) payl0ads f0r vessels. Things like r0vers, aut0matic landing pr0bes which y0u can just dr0p fr0m 0rbit and will land themselves, n0 questi0ns asked. There are als0 c0mp0nents f0r building inflatable surfaces bases, inwhich the Universal MMU’s (UMMU, basically “space“walking in the simulat0r) can safely rem0ve their space suits while inside. There is n0w even extra usable fuel & 0xygen payl0ads, expanding the range 0f y0ur Delta Glider! There are als0 many many m0re new things y0u can use, thanks t0 the hard w0rk 0f the m0dding c0mmunity!

Y0u can fly realistic, hist0rical spacecraft, like the Space Shuttle, 0r the Apollo spacecraft, as well as space pr0bes t0 the planets and aster0ids, and there is als0 a range 0f “unrealistic” spacecraft fr0m places like Sci Fi movies & TV series, as well as Original creati0ns 0f the 0rbiter C0mmunity, and even spacecraft that have been pr0p0sed t0 take us back t0 the Moon, to Mars, and Beyond ( well, that’s the old sl0gan anyway.. The new 0ne sh0uld be s0mething like “Take us t0 that giant space r0ck heading 0ur way and DRILL BABY DRILL, DRILL BABY DRILL!!)

Orbiter 2010 is a challenge t0 use, but very rewarding 0nce y0u kn0w h0w, and can help pr0vide y0u with s0me great perspective 0n 0ur Earth, the m00ns and planets, and the s0lar System in general. It really g0es a l0ng way t0 sh0w y0u just h0w small everything we kn0w is!

http://orbiter.dansteph.com/index.php?disp=d Dan’s Orbiter Page – Highly rec0mmend add0ns. Orbiter Sound ( if y0u want any s0und, y0u need this!) DGIV-2, UMMU 2.0, UCGO 2.0

http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/home.php The Orbiter Homepage! – Here y0u can read up and get the jist 0f Orbiter, and d0wnl0aded the 2010 zip install package, 0r the MSI

http://orbiter-forum.com/addons.php – The Orbiter Forum – A place where a bunch 0f fascist arr0gant sn0bs play G0d & d0 a sh!t j0b 0f it t00.

http://downloadorbitersim.com/?page_id=42 – Download Orbiter Sim – Great page with the latest Surface Textures t0 g0 with Orbiter 2010’s capabilities. Can als0 d0wnl0ad the latest release patch fr0m here, helped s0lve a crash 0n restart f0r me =)

http://www.orbithangar.com/ – The Orbit Hangar – Orbiters add0n rep0sit0ry. Years w0rth 0f c0ntributi0ns c0llected here.

F0r me, Orbiter has been a valuable experience in learning just h0w difficult, c0mplicated, and daunting, the wh0le endeav0ur 0f g0ing t0 the M00n was all th0se years ag0. T0 d0 what we did all th0se years ag0, was b0th very danger0us, and quiet miracul0us. If y0u ask the questi0n, Why have we n0t returned t0 the m00n since? I can tell y0u this. It is danger0us, it is very expensive, and it needs pr0per m0tivati0n. t0 g0 s0 far and t0 d0 s0 much, is t0 test the limits 0f techn0l0gy and danger itself. Space is still danger0us, and still c0stly. H0w we get t0 the m00n n0w is n0t all that different t0 h0w we did it bef0re. A c0mputer that is a milli0n times better then what they used isn’t g0ing t0 make that bigger difference in the end, and r0ckets are n0t really that much better then they used t0 be. We n0w have m0re margin f0r err0r, but the wh0le venture is still very c0mplicated, expensive, and danger0us.

N0netheless, I still highly rec0mmend y0u give 0rbiter a g0! Start fr0m the beginning, just get the feel 0f the basics, s0 y0u then can have a feel f0r the wh0le “sc0pe” 0f what the adventure 0f space travel is all ab0ut. Perspective. Simple. =)


Fuzz's picture

Team IPX in space

Wow… epic Hashy. Sounds like a steep learning curve, but very satisfying. Would love to set aside some time when I have some annual leave to give it a go.



We could make an IPX Space fleet and take over the universe!!!!!

Hashy's picture


sh00sh! n0t s0 l0ud.. I’m w0rking 0n it.. ;)

Will see h0w steep the learning curve is f0r the DGIV skin edit0r.. Surely it cant be any w0rse then WTFHOWDOESTHATWORKOMGIMATMARS. =p

Hashy's picture

Team IPX IS in space!

Actually Fuzz.. We’ve been in space f0r awhile. ;)

Hashy's picture

Orbiter Forum - Bunch of Snobs

I’ll just lay it 0ut all here. The 0rbiter f0rum is full 0f arr0gant sn0bs. These are pe0ple wh0 have s0 much time 0n their hands that they can Orbiter Sim s0 well, and have s0 much spare time left 0ver t0 break their 0wn f0rum rules ( with0ut being reprimanded mind y0u) and take s0me time 0ut t0 flame me. y0u w0uld think a bunch 0f intelligent pe0ple w0uld inhabit that place. Maybe this is s0, but what is quickly bec0ming clear t0 me is that such intelligence c0mes at the c0st 0f equally abundant arr0gance and anti s0cial behavi0ur. By anti s0cial I mean strictly that. n0 matter what they d0 with their lives, they still can’t treat s0meb0dy with simple c0mm0n c0urtesy, barring very few ( actually a c0uple in this case).

Here’s the admin/m0derat0r/Gestap0/wankers reply t0 my first and 0nly c0me back message 0n the 0rbiter f0rum. n0mad will l0ve this 0ne.

Dear Hashy;

Welcome back to Orbiter-Forum. While we are happy to welcome you back, unfortunately you have already drawn staff attention to your posts. I refer to the replacement of all the “o“s in your posts with “0” characters.

While we accept your explanation of this activity, that it is a “game” you play with your team mates, it is already making your posts difficult to interpret for other members, including the staff. While we respect your desire to post whatever you like, please understand that this is a forum for people of all ages, and all backgrounds, and it is a place for mature discussion, rather than idle point-scoring among team mates and posting games, as per the forum rules:

You may have noticed other Internet forums are filled with aggression, insults, and general immaturity. Check that at the door here, this forum is different. Our members appreciate thoughtful discussion and a mature tone. Please adjust accordingly.
Please return to your posts and edit them to return the zeroes to “o“s again, and refrain from replacing the perfectly good “o” letters in your posts with zeroes in future. It causes your posts to appear immature and makes them difficult to read.

OF Staff

It seems that the high and mighty 0rbiter c0mmunity at large are unaccust0med t0 having t0 adapt 0n the fly and make sense 0f dist0rted inf0rmati0n. This makes f0r abs0lutely W0RTHLESS Astr0nauts in the real w0rld, s0 eat that y0u Orbiter Forum wankers. Here’s an0ther difficult t0 understand 0ne f0r ya.

01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01010010 01000101 01000001 01001100 00100000 01000111 01101111 01100100 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01010011 01110101 01101110 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01101011 01101001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110011 01110100 01111001 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101001 01110100 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101100 01100100 01101001 01110011 01101000 00100000 01100001 01110010 01110010 01101111 01100111 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 01100101 01110010 01110011 00100000 01000000 00100000 01001111 01110010 01100010 01101001 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01000110 01101111 01110010 01110101 01101101

and YES that binary message c0ntains pr0fanities, like I give a f**k. Translate at y0ur 0wn peril.

Here’s Hashy giving y0u a big F**K Y0U t0 the Orbiter Forum. Y0ur a bunch 0f childish, arr0gant, sn0bby I d0nt kn0w whats! y0ur supp0sed t0 be nerds f0r Jesus F**KING Christ’s sake. y0ur supp0sed t0 have s0me level 0f maturity, yet the 0nly f0rm 0f maturity I see is highly advanced bullying & tr0lling tactics. The 0rbiter f0rum is c0ntr0lled by a few pathetically fascist c0ntr0llers, wh0 fav0urite their friends wh0 repeatedly abuse, tr0ll & bully 0ther members and are never reprimanded f0r it.

“While we accept your explanation of this activity, that it is a “game” you play with your team mates, it is already making your posts difficult to interpret for other members, including the staff.”
Well then y0ur staff is a bunch 0f inept m0r0ns, adapt 0r die, the less willing y0u are t0 adapt t0 s0mething, the better 0ff the rest 0f us will be because y0u will be f**ked 0ff!

As f0r breaking y0ur preci0us f0rum guidelines. Fine, I did that, BARELY, HARDLY. 8/10 0f the replies I g0t t0 my “welc0me back” p0st there were in vi0lati0n 0f their f0rum guidelines. n0ne 0f them were reprimanded.

Same 0ld SH!T, different decade. Life fucking sucks, pe0ple are wankers, and y0u can 0nly h0pe that 0ne day their 0wn stupidity will land them sucking Billy g0ats milk straight fr0m the s0urce f0r the rest 0f their w0rthless lives.

Hashy – Pissed 0ff yet again by fascist scumbag f**ktard Moderators wh0 d0nt d0 their GODDAMN F**KING J0BS PROPERLY. Arrogant f**kwits.

Hashy's picture


0ne last thing…

“You may have noticed other Internet forums are filled with aggression, insults, and general immaturity. Check that at the door here, this forum is different. Our members appreciate thoughtful discussion and a mature tone. Please adjust accordingly.”

and s0 I adjusted acc0rdingly. THE ORBITER FORUM IS THE MOST IMMATURE AND INSULTING COMMUNITIES IVE FOUND OUT THERE. I kept things in a th0ughtful discussi0n, VERY mature, all I did was REPLACE FUCKING o’s with 0’s. What did I get f0r that? 80% 0f replies being IMMATURE, INSULTING, and AGGRESSIVE.

“You may have noticed other Internet forums are filled with aggression, insults, and general immaturity. Check that at the door here, this forum is different. Our members appreciate thoughtful discussion and a mature tone. Please adjust accordingly.”

THIS STATEMENT is an OUTRIGHT LIE. IT IS A FALSE STATEMENT. Aggressi0n, insults, and ABSOLUTE immaturity are as rampant there as I have f0und 0n any 0ther sh0ckingly m0derated f0rum.

I 0nly ask that IPX learns fr0m these examples 0f decepti0n, and that we d0 n0t repeat that kind 0f p00r m0derati0n here.

n0mad's picture

Hashy br0

ufworc0 ufworc0 ufworc0 ah anahorwo oaac0orahao0000000000000000000000’c acracacro ro0hurc ra anworrwowhwa

Hashy never let them put an IPXer d0wn……
We g0 thru the interwebs h0w we wish and if they d0nt like the zer0’s then F$$$$ them I say……………

Happy t0 jump 0nt0 there f0rum and really sh0w them h0w much I can stuff up there use 0f the English text zer0’s and 1nes……

But seri0usely br0 remember that m0st 0f what U were advising went straight 0ver there heads…..

It is amazing h0w little they actually kn0w h0w much we kn0w U kn0w ab0ut space Hashy…..hehehhee

Peace br0….


Hashy's picture

Well Regardless..


0’z kicked their arses, gave them a massive headache, and caused a massive upr0ar (relatively speaking..) in the 0rbiter f0rum c0mmunity.
I will never g0 back there. IPX is my h0me. IPX <3!!! xD

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