Juno To Jupiter!
at 11:34am Friday 5th August US Eastern time, Juno will set sail f0r the planet Jupiter.
That is 1:34am Saturday 6th August f0r us here 0n Australian Eastern time.
Juno will be the sec0nd spacecraft sent t0 Jupiter specifically, since Galileo. Aside from that, I think a few of the earlier spacecraft visited Jupiter, but 0nly racked up s0me Fly By p0ints al0ng the way. Juno is planned to stay at Jupiter for a years worth of science observations. The last spacecraft to fly by Jupiter was New Horizons, using Jupiter f0r a gravity assist t0 help speed its way 0ff t0 Plut0.
Juno should arrive at Jupiter in July of 2016
It will bring us back bigger and better pictures then ever 0f Jupiter, as well as make a study 0f the planets poles, amongst a whole bunch of other scientific mumbo jumbo.
Remember, 1:34am on Saturday. The event “should” ( im only guessing) be viewable on NASA TV – http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
Juno will launch atop an Atlas V, in the 551 configuration, akin to DELTA2ALPHA’s launcher which I have no chance of beating ;p
Unmanned launches are fun, because if s0mething g0es wr0ng and the thing bl0ws up 0r crashes int0 the 0cean, n0b0dy “sh0uld” get hurt, and y0u get t0 watch billi0ns 0f d0llars g0 up in sm0ke!
if s0meb0dy w0uld be kind en0ugh as t0 d0uble check the times I put up?
I tried s0me time z0ne c0nverter thing0 and I d0nt kn0w if it g0t everything right.. I just w0ke up and my brain isnt geared f0r this crap at the m0ment xD
g0nna be a late night f0r me this Friday =)
Earth Gravity Assist
Juno will first be going out past the main asteroid belt, in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. From there it will do a burn, which will bring it back towards us, and using Earths gravity, sort of sling shot Juno faster back out towards Jupiter.
I don’t know if there will be live coverage of the launch on NASA TV or not, I cant find their damn schedule.
EDIT: ok I found the NASA TV Schedule, there will be launch coverage. hooray!
2 h0urs and 9 minutes
2 h0urs and 9 minutes remaining until launch. The extra 9-10 minutes is the final built in hold before the launch.
There appears to be a 30% chance that cloud cover may provide less then idea launching conditions.
Less then 1 h0ur
Less then an h0ur remaining.
Th0ught I w0uld link up the wiki article 0n Juno s0 y0u can all get the specifics y0urself.
al0t 0f sm0ke ay :P
Watching it 2…..
T minus 42min……………..
T minus 32min…. I think they
T minus 32min….
I think they are sm0king in there heheheeheehee
The m0nkeys I mean :P
T minus 15 min
Atlas V
T- 4 minutes and h0lding
There are a few technical glitches theyre working through right now, not sure of the specifics. Looks like they might not make the very beginning of the launch window. Not sure how long this will delay the launch. Could be a matter of minutes, could be hours or days. Better safe then sorry…
Weather Data
That Weather Data blew me away, al0t 0f data gathered fr0m there 0wn weather stati0n…..
Rec0mmend an0ther 5 minute h0ld…
Charging the Helium System…
Countdown extension
the h0ld in the c0untd0wn has been extended an0ther 5 minutes. I think this is the 3rd time in a r0w they’ve d0ne this n0w.. l00king m0re and m0re like a scrub situati0n.. bugger that i stayed up this late! haha
p0ssible leak….
I want 2 hear the discussi0n 0n audi0 channel 6
hold extended another 10 minutes
sigh….. chances are it will launch AFTER i g0t0 bed… bad timing, st0ry 0f my life.
We have a g0...
Leak f0und 0n gr0und system
We have a g0….
Test finish…
l00king brighter
things are l00king brighter n0w.. the pr0blem isnt the r0cket itself, its s0mething t0 d0 with the helium charging system that’s right n0mad.
c0uple 0f issues still being ir0ned 0ut, but there is still s0me c0nfidence we will make the launch wind0w.
an0ther 5 minute h0ld
again an0ther 5 minute h0ld
There are ab0ut 37minutes left in the launch wind0w f0r t0day…
Dam an0ther n0g0
Seri0usly an0ther 5 minutes…..
l00kin gl00mier
getting t00 cl0se t0 the end 0f the launch wind0w, and theyre still having pr0blems.
I’m calling this 0ne a scrub f0r n0w… Better luck next time.
We are back 0n!!
We are back 0n.. Technical issues are pretty much s0lved 0r declared n0t a pr0blem
c0untd0wn RESUMED!
C0untd0wn is back 0n! 4 minutes and ticking d0wn!!! =D
T minus 2 minutes
and we are g0…
w0rth the wait n0mad 0r what?? =p
s0lid r0cket b00sters separated OK.. =)
Payl0ad fairing jettes0n went all well. fr0m this p0int 0n its pretty much sm00th sailing.
g00d luck Juno, and bring us back s0me nice piccys =)
just amazing stuff cya Hashy 0n the next Launch…..
g00d luck Jun0……….
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