New Bad Company 2 Patch

Hashy's picture


pe0ple playing in the c0mpeitit0n ladder sh0uld be aware by n0w, but f0r th0se wh0 are n0t, there is a new patch f0r Bad Company 2.

It is 2.6GB in size

Manual d0wnl0ad f0r n0n steam users, like me, can be f0und here –

m0re inf0 0n the patch can be f0und here –

stability and perf0rmance enhancements. h0pefully this fixes the pr0blems me and my vide0 card have with the game rand0mly fr0m time t0 time l0sing textures.


clan invalid

“For anyone that hasn’t realized already, there is a hilarious bug.

If you jump in without having any tags on, you get assigned the tag {Invalid } …. There should probably be some good jokes about having a mega clan full of low level randoms on there but anyway.”

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