Popular Content Creation?

Hashy's picture


So I was just thinking, and taking a look at things on the left, about how we create “Popular Content”.

A couple of years ago I think, n0mad made a very successful post in regards to Borderlands. That racked up something like 20,000 page views in a reasonably short amount of time.
I just took note of one of my older lunar eclipse posts has been getting a fair few hits each day lately. Over the course of the life of the blog post, 2 years, its brought up 5,000 page views.
Okay now sure, that’s barely a drop in the bucket floating in the ocean that is the interwebz, but for a small site like ours, potentially 5,000 viewers to our site could only be good advertising for Team IPX. I ain’t talkin about $$$ revenue here, just simply exposure.

So what is it that gets us these pageviews? The way I see it, it simply has to be the keywords we use .That’s how search engines do their trick. n0mad hit the nail on the head SOMEHOW. Linking I suspect plays a part in it as well?

Anyway, I do propose that we discover what has created this phenomenon, so we can replicate it with some success, and increase the amount of expose we get. It doesn’t have to be much!

We don’t have to be exploitative like many websites. I am sure we are all familiar with many things like that. We don’t need to be like that at all. Basically we would yes be getting extra viewers to our site, but no, we are not going to just stiff them and leave it at that. All we gotta do is provide the information that they are seeking. How many times have you been relieved with having done a long search, finding a seemingly innocuous website which just had the info and links for EVERYTHING I needed for that search? Okay maybe not very often, searching a lot of the time means your grabbing pieces of info from here, and pieces of info from there..

Okay okay, we don’t have to be some kind of comprehensive library of search results. Just make a good article! If we see that some blogs end up receiving a lot of guest hits, we should attend to those blogs and make sure the information is accurate and up to date, simply for the sake of the searchers out out there!

What do you guys think, sorry for the extra long rant but, was just thinking, you know.. =)

If we are indeed getting a decent number of legitimate page views on some of our stuff, question is why, but also what would we want to do about it? Promote and encourage it for exposure, or do our best to not let it happen! The more people who know of our plans for Svalsbard, the sooner we may anger the ruthlessly benign Norwegian’s!


Robag's picture


it is nice to see a little site like ours getting that many hit.

I will get around to setting up the website stat pagers again.
it is always good to see the top search team from Google


immrbob's picture


mmm im thinking Ro might have just gone in and out of the page for a day to make it look like there was 5000 views :)

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