Kogan & His Antics...

Hashy's picture


Well Kogan.. If that is your real name….


or you could be patient, save a bit of cash, AND pick your own colour.. =p


“Yesh we save you good dollar, besht price, special discount for yooooou”

Seriously.. keep me the F**K off of eBay and off of buying cheap sh!t from China… NO I don’t mean crappy poor quality; I’m buying the same sh!t Aussie retailers import,I am just getting it from the source and saving myself $$$ in the process… But seriously… Badly addictive…. MUST..CLOSE..EBAY ACCOUNT… xD

Your move, “Kogan”….. =p


Hashy's picture

oh and....

oh and…no… The one from Banggood will NOT be 52cm long and 25cm wide.. If it was though, that would be pretty cool…. For that price I mean… =p

Robag's picture

I have a lacie 8GB

Version of the Keys it is a year old now and it has not skipped a beat


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