Quitting smokes!

Well sortof, i’m currently deciding if quitting is worth the cold chills, hot flushes, hunger pangs, nausea…

It’s not fun. I started smoking 3 or so smokes a day rather than 10-15, did this starting just over a week ago.

I’ve been smoking since I was 13 more or less, and I can tell you right now, it is not bloody pleasant.

Anyway, thats why I’ve been a bit wierd for the past week.


n0mad's picture

Th0usand Svalbards

Kraizen Let me be y0ur c0ach I have a guaranteed method and if you are successful for an agreed peri0d

I’d like to offer you 1000 Svalbards as y0ur incentive…….

As many 0f y0u may n0t be aware I used t0g0 thr0ugh (2) packs a day until I tried Gum/Patches then
my 0wn special meth0d that w0rked a treat….

s0 yes giving up has many benefits n0t 0nly CASH but I can tell U we ref0rmed sm0kers are the w0rst t0 talk ab0ut sm0kers
s0 I’ll B quite bef0re I’m tonged by a Sm0ker……

1000 Svalbards

Lets talk Kraizen……..


Svalbard Jukebox

Now isnt there a grand idea ;)

willow's picture

omg omg!

*willow tries to think of a bad habbit to try and quit for svalbards but cant think of any! but is looking forward in collecting 400 Svalbards from Matt in State of Origin bet after Qld wins tomorrow night!


i was hopeing you wouldnt remember

Robag's picture

yep do it Kraizen

back in my late teens i use to smoke a pack a day of B&H (25)Special Filter
god only knows how i found the time lol

I now only go through a pack of B&H (20) smooth in three days.

I think quiting the smokes is about finding your balance point, diffrent things work for diffrent people.

Good luck kraizen


willow's picture

balance pt?

Svalbard bank balance lol

Sha8doW's picture

I too

I too would like to offer 1000 of n0mads svalbards for this worthwhile cause!

cant beat that deal!


Thats 2000 svalbards from n0mad ;)

n0mad's picture

4000 Svals

I 2 w0uld give 2000 Svals if Shad 0ffers up 2000 of his……

g0 4 it Kraizen – U can d0 iT

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